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  Sahtiay sur gón Dawlat Hánay kasterén brát Mohabbat Hán&aa...

  • 1185

‘ISI demanding ransom for release of my abducted father’

In 2013, Saeeda Hameed became the first girl in her family to leave her hometown of Zehri in Khuzdar...

  • 1197

Balochistan’s miseries are by design

Balochistan occupies a unique spot in the national imagination of Pakistan. It is a land often portr...

  • 1293

Karima’s ordeal in Canada

“I am not a terrorist. You never believed it when I said I was right,” Karima finished a...

  • 1038

Ormarah, 2030

It was a hot summer day, the twentieth of the month of Tir, a Tuesday evening. The sea fog, thick as...

  • 890

CPEC: the hype, the reality and the resistance

Residents of Gwadar recently blocked the Makkoran coastal highway in protest. They were not asking f...

  • 914

Saparnámahé cha poténkán: Tarrán tarráná shotán Kardagápá

  Cha Quetta shahrá hashtád mill dur, Mastungay godhsar o cha Nushkiá s&aa...

  • 392

Replug: The endangered species of ruined Balochistan

I once tasted houbara bustard meat. In March 2015. At an influential royal Abu Dhabi sheikh’s ...

  • 398

Balóchestán: Mollá o Kawmparest o mahluk

Mazanén moddatéá rand, gwastagén sálay Dasambará, Bal&oacu...

  • 356

BLA attacks

This week’s attacks by the Baloch Liberation Army (BLA) in Nushki and Panjgur proved that the ...

  • 430

Má o Á: Ráji jonzay gisshéntagén dóst o dozhmen

Gwastagén máhá Balóch ázádipasondén pawjé&aa...

  • 382

Replug: The evolution of a dead body

Twenty years old and hoping to become a writer, I was eager to meet anyone who was somehow associate...

  • 359

Persecution of Baloch women is nothing new

Last Sunday, the Counter-Terrorism Department picked up a woman in district Kech and claimed she was...

  • 354

Zahid Baloch: Eight years of enforced disappearance

It has been eight years since Zahid Baloch was abducted by Pakistan’s secret agencies on March...

  • 336

Friends campaign for abducted students’ release as Baloch harassment continues

Friends of two Baloch students of Philosophy at Karachi University, abducted by the security forces,...

  • 467