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Baloch National Struggle Warrants International Recognition 

Written by Archen Baloch


April 13, 2010


Adamant to drastic changes and fundamental reforms, the amorphous Pakistani state, as often described by Baloch nationalists "an unnatural state", has built itself up as a military state upon the Baloch natural wealth, with lethal weapons of mass destruction and committed the heinous crime of proliferation to a belligerent theological regime of Iran which is specifically antagonistic to peaceful gulf countries. Yet subliminally, the world community is unusually silent to this theological country's crimes.


The one-sided military war against extremists in the region seems to bear not fruit, unless it is backed by a cultural ideological war. Money in trillions being used to quell the Islamic fundamentalism around the world, but a single penny is not being spent to support and promote cultural nationalism, which is the only affective ideology to counter and replace the religious ideology.


In the entire region, comprising South Asia, Middle East and Central Asia, Baloch nationalism is the only "line" distinguished by its cultural identity, has come afore to spearhead the nationalism ideology based on universally accepted principles. But it is brutally being beaten up by fundamental Pakistani and Iranian forces on its own soil and no one is coming forwards to rescue it. Entire democratic and secular leadership of the first row of the current insurgency has ruthlessly been terminated by Pakistani state; Namely Nawab Bugti, Balachi Marri, and Gulam Mohamed were the Vanguards of the liberation struggle for freedom from the beginning. Entire Balochistan has been turned into a valley of death and destruction by Pakistani occupying forces, where world media is not allowed to cover the tragedies occurring on daily basis in that part of Baloch world.          


As a cultural nation, Baloch has successfully navigated its ship of struggle for freedom in the dangerous and murky waters of the treacherous world of interests. And it has achieved tremendous recognition among social organizations, civic societies and worldwide  .intellectual forums 


 Now coming to the question point, which has constantly been reiterated by Baloch nationalist forces for support and recognition from world community: is it an unalienable right for Baloch to expect and demand that the peace loving nations around the world use their ?democratic good offices to ask United Nations for probe into atrocities being inflicted upon Baloch


 The question: if Baloch nation qualifies for economic and moral support from neighboring nations needed to be answered essentially by a Baloch. as I'm aware of my being partial to Baloch issue, and as well of my academic shortcomings, but I have to present our case before the world community, because our very existence is threatened by a two headed beast of "two nation theory" which is .being used to safeguard the economic interests of military state of Pakistan


Now before selling our qualities and justifying our struggle for freedom from the yoke of Pakistan, let me remind us that Balochistan is a declared no go area, not only for international media but Pakistani private media also is not allowed to record the state sponsored atrocities, should one entertain a desire to go and see things himself and assess the precarious situation. So the question arises of being biased and prejudiced.  Then whatever the Pakistani media says, and whatever Baloch nationalists say, should be judged by .nonpartisan observers and foreign media


 Now coming to the preconception that Baloch are divided into tribalism! It's simply not true. Foreign scholars, historians and sociologists should not draw conclusion from biased and prejudiced Pakistani columnists and historians. Baloch psycho of social .organization must be thoroughly studied by sociologists on the ground realities, in interaction with Baloch population


Baloch social organization is governed by Baloch national ideology, which is based on cultural values and identity, rather than religion and faith.  As a pluralistic and heterogeneous nation, Baloch is best tolerant of diversity which is the essence of democracy. Now it is a .matter of interpretation 

Balochistan itself is a federation of several dialects, languages and cultural identities.   


 It is this Plurality and heterogeneity of Baloch social character which is constantly being misinterpreted dishonestly by Pakistani historians and columnists into tribalism and often misconceived by our uninterested non-Baloch friends. Is there any historian who could quote a small instance of an intra or inter-tribal feud which had engulfed or involved an entire tribe or involved all Baloch tribes thorough the Baloch history; except the Mir Chaker and Mir Gwahram's  Rind and Lashari war of 30 years?


150 years of containment policy, vigorously been applied by British Raj and then inherently by Pakistan to contain Baloch from social progress, have never left a chance for Baloch to pull itself together and forge ahead to form a single national identity other than a tribal one along with other contemporary nations in the region like our Arabs and Indian brothers.


Why we are in a state of denial of collaborators existing in every society and nation? Yes Baloch are not an exemption. They too exist in Baloch society, collaborating with Pakistani state, being used to divide Baloch nation into different salaried party and fiction.  


Even if Baloch are not united into one single party, yet they still deserve the right to be protected from harm and destruction, its demographic setup from extinction.  Baloch is a cultural identity in the face of this earth; it's the moral obligation of the civilized nations to intervene and help Baloch to restore their lost sovereignty over their homeland, regardless of their vested interests.


First Let us remind ourselves that Pakistan justifies its existence in the question of two nation theory.  For them the agenda of partition of Indian subcontinent is not yet over! Within its arm forces, the extremist Talban are working their way along the same line.


The religious extremism will severally be disheartened and, fanatic ideology of Islam will die down and sink in the deep bottom of Indian Ocean, if only Baloch national sovereignty is restored over their homeland.



 Balochistan is situated at the tri-juncture of Middle East, South Asia and Central Asia, it isn't only the nerve centre of pipelinestan for gas and oil, but also it is the nerve centre of secularism and democracy for peace and prosperity.