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Grim Future Awaits

By: Diagoh Murad 

Feature and Future are two different words with big F in the beginning, the words after the initial F distinguish them, and both these words accumulate each other to make an impression like for instance if someone has good characteristics, his future will be bright. Good features always derive a good future for human being, nation, or State but if suppose the feature are not stable and every characteristics is grotesque than what will be the future, guess would be grim. This example follows Pakistani state as it seems that this state has no future, even if it has any it is grim unknown to any men. Pakistan mainly came into being as a Kingdom of Islam but geographical changes sacked the very foundation of Pakistan for which this state was parted, the Islamic Republic suddenly transformed into Democratic Republic, astonishing as Pakistan essentially was founded for the purpose to serve Islam for which Two Nation Theory was adopted, but Islam has no root in it’s society except the country’s Taliban who control the majority parts of Khyber Pakhtunkhawa (earlier N.W.F.P).


The feature of this state are very clear when we look into its past and cross to the present state on which this artificial union of different nation stands, it is hard to believe the words where Pakistani politicians talk about unity and statehood, thus bringing the plight of other nation in total ignorance where not only Baloch but all the other minority nations are depressed of what they call as negligence over their situation from the federal government which is controlled by Punjab where total majority is of Punjabi nation. How would statehood like this go far? That is what concerned the countries around it, because Pakistan doesn’t play the bonding game with its neighbor neither it has important policies for the nation who are counted in minorities. Pakistan state has been accused of terrorizing not only in the south Asian region but also in UK and USA for its alleged involvement in Sept 11 Attack. The report stated that:


Pakistan has been accused by India, Afghanistan, the United States, the United Kingdom, of involvement in terrorism in Kashmir and Afghanistan. Poland has also alleged that terrorists have "friends in Pakistani government structures". In July 2009, current President of Pakistan Asif Ali Zardari admitted that the Pakistani government had "created and nurtured" terrorist groups to achieve its short-term foreign policy goals. According to a analysis published by Saban Center for Middle East Policy at Brookings Institution in 2008 Pakistan was the worlds 'most active' state sponsor of terrorism including aiding groups which were considered a direct threat to USA.    


Thus bringing the very structure of Pakistan to be a terrorist heaven, where terror groups are organized systematically by non other than state actors who are bureaucrats in nature. The Pakistani President analyzed the situation and confirmed it in his own words with which not only the root of terrorists acts coming from Pakistan are symbolized but the very nature of Pakistan is also being seen, As being created in the name of Islam, Pakistan from its upbringing have sought to occupy every land it find where generally the population is Islamic in term like East Balochistan which was a sovereignty state and was given freedom before Pakistan was born, The forceful annexation of Balochistan on 27 March 1948 is the proof of Pakistani conscience against oppressed nation.


Like said that Feature defines the future of a State, Let us take a close look on Pakistan as what feature it has to derive it this far to the very edge of Balkanization, Lastly concluding the report submitted by NIC-CIA about the upcoming event and astrology for Pakistan as a failed state. The features which are add-ons to Pakistan are


  1. The shaky base of Pakistan where once it stood stable has been cracked up by ISI, Pakistani army and the bureaucrats who are in control of the threads to the mobile Taliban force, merely being a democratic country Pakistan support the most gruesome terror outfits who are struggling to obtain the nuclear assets of Pakistan, claiming them will open doors to global devastation.


  1. The assassination of the top most leader of Pakistani politics Benazir Bhutto in the city where hardly a person is not related to Pakistani army or intelligence agency is a shocking news where every men lurk being a spy agent but still the tight security could give leakage to the terrorist attacking Benazir Bhutto is contributing to the very fact that indeed Pakistan is a lawless country and the system which feature Pakistan has succumb to terror groups.


  1. The Statehood and Union policy of Pakistan where  it state four different nation as one its kind of hard to swallow, As on one hand Khyber Pakhtunkhawa (N.W.F.P) is being overrun by religious fanatics and on the other hand Sindhi & Baloch nation are struggling for freedom and independent state. Union policy only occurs when Pakistan has shown sign of being a secular state but using power over minority nation and subjugating them to overthrow their demand for equality is not secularism, In fact Pakistan has never been a civilian state or a democratic country as mainly all the power rest in the hands of Pakistani army who at will have always took hold of the power to rule over it.


  1. Although Pakistan faced balkanization in the year when the separation of East Pakistan (Bangladesh) occurred which is likely the case of discrimination and subjugation happening now in Balochistan & Sindh. The holocaust of 25 March 1971 in Dhaka University perpetrated by the Pakistani army shows the brutal face of Pakistani policies over oppressed nation.


  1. The provincial autonomy which was defined in the 1940 constitutions and altered by Pakistani politician Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto on 1971 after the separation of East Pakistan never fulfilled what it has offered to oppressed nation. Equality in every manner was never the policy of Pakistani Policy makers as mainly all these policy owners were from Punjab state, so the ignorance towards the oppressed nation was always the case, five time army operation over Baloch nation and brutal use of US weapons over innocent civilians of Balochistan has always been the foreign policy of Pakistan.


  1. The extra-judicial abduction of Sindhi and Baloch political activists in Pakistan is the biggest feature which shines. Where 9000 Baloch & Sindhi activist whether men or women are abducted and secretly tortured and women used as sex slaves. The extra judicial killings of kidnapped Political leaders of Baloch nation has been the policy of Pakistan to mute the voice of oppressed nation once and for all. These gross human rights violation injected over the oppressed nation is the State feature of Pakistan, Pakistani politicians having different views talks about Union, Democracy and People’s movement but on the other malign the abducted person and his family member of hiding the person and blaming the state agencies for perpetrating the act.  


  1. The lawless regional dilemma of neighboring countries where not only India but Afghanistan and Iran blamed the Security agencies of Pakistan for not maintaining the movement of Taliban figures in the tribal region of N.W.F.P.



One, who use binoculars over the Pakistani policies will find more clues over the future of Pakistan as NIC-CIA predicted Pakistan being a failed state in 2015 and will resemble Yugoslavia, is not hidden as even an illiterate person living a slums life in Pakistan predicts that Pakistani economy has crashed and the end of Pakistan is very near. Because nearly all the stars of Pakistan show different signs and they all lead to one conclusion “Balkanization”.


The fate of Pakistan is reserved for the time being as 2015 is nearly going to happen after 4 years and Pakistan has shown feature of obtaining the title of Another Yugoslavia. Pakistan nuclear state is the biggest threat for the global community, the Taliban and other terror groups have once reached the boundaries of Islamabad but didn’t penetrated the foundation of Pakistan, What if they try again this time and successfully take the control over the countries policies and nuclear assets then the wheels of fate will turn and Pakistan wont be the one to Balkanize but Global Security will become a target which will be devastating to all the nations residing in this global community.


