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International Voice for Baloch Missing Persons
 Enforced Disappearance is a crime against humanity

Subject: dossier and list of enforced disappearance and messing persons in balochistan

To                                                                                                               dated: 29/08/2010

 The Excellency secretary general Ban Ki-moon united nation at New York USA .

Subject: dossier and list of enforced disappearance and messing persons in balochistan.

R/ sir

 Since 17th march 2005 Pakistan is conducting and campaigning the, the ethnic cleansing of Baloch Nation. When Pakistan security forces in league with paramilitary forces bombarded the house of Nawab Akbar Khan Bugti, on account of which more than sixty innocent civilian persons majority of whom were Hindu including children and women were murdered and more than 8000 people were displaced from their homes.

The atrocity and brutal practice of Pakistan security forces is consecutively continue up till now. There is a regular kidnapping, killing and enforced disappearance. For the purpose perusal and necessary action the list of Baloch disappearance and missing persons are enclosed herewith this dossier as annexure 1-to 61 .

The referred listed missing persons are in illegal custody of security forces, neither they are being produced before any competent court, nor their family members know their whereabouts. Although Pakistan has ratified the international covenant on civil and political right (ICCPR) the convention against torture (CAT) and international convention of human rights and fundamental freedoms. Despite of that, regrettably the referred instruments has been fragrantly violated by the Pakistan . It would be not out of place to mention here that the secretary establishment is killing and throwing their  dead bodies on open public places who are in illegal custody of security forces has a ``state policy`` to terrorize the Baloch nation, that amount state terrorism in the spirit of international law.

 Under the hereinabove mentioned facts and circumstances, yours Excellency being the guardian of united nation and custodian of international law and instruments which are grossly violated, punitive intervention measure to be taken against Pakistan on the ground of international law and new norms of humanitarian grounds. It is further requested that an investigation committee to be sent to Balochistan under the provision of (CAT).

             International voice for Baloch missing persons

Kachkol Ali Advocate ( k.aliadvocate@yahoo.com) ( coordinator of Norway )

 Losby veien 9 1475 finstadjorde
