بلوچ گلزمین ءِ جارچین


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A Message From Baloch:

11 August 2009, Stockholm (Sweden)

Balochistan holding a long history of existence prior than the illegal and force annexation by Persian Empire (Iranian forces) in 1928 and by Pakistani millitaries in March 1948. Baloch nation having all the characteristics of being a nation constituting with language, culture, history, geo-political boundries which is transperently different from the India, Iran, Pakistan (artificial state) and Afghanistan. Balochistan always possesses its strategic importance in the region and Baloch as a nation always resisted against the foreign invaders although there was loose confederation and that couldn’t pertained their influence in whole Balochistan.

During British Rule in central asia and sub-continent Balochistan was also one of the state that under British rule but they didn’t interfere in the affairs of Balochistan. Before leaving the sub-continent in 11 August 1947 British declare Balochistan as independent and sovereign state but Pakistani forces did not respect the boundries of Balochistan and its agreements and illegally occupied the Balochistan on gun-point in March 1948, from then till now there have been five defensive war in 1948, 1958, 1962, 1973 for its independence and one is continued till now since 2001 in Pakistan occupied Balochistan.

Beside bloodiest war against Baloch nation. Pakistani armies commiting barbaric and inhuman treatment such as extra judicially abduction, burning alive, mass murder of innocent people, childeren, women, old man, students, political leaders and activists. Pakistani millitary forces using their all advance equipment, gunship helicopters, bombing jets, secret agencies, military and para military forces and foreign aids against Baloch nation. More than 200 women have been kidnapped and being sexually abused by Pakistani Military Inteligences and more than 4000 Baloch students, political activist and innocent people are still missing. 84000 Baloch people have been displace from war zone of Balochistan which are suffering and living miserable lives. Beside this Pakistani government also testing their deadly weapons of mass destruction such nuclear and chemical weapons in Balochistan. As Balochistan is naturally rich in resources gas, oil, minerals, largest boundry in south lies along with arabian sea and has intensive strategic importance and people of Balochistan living under the line of poverty, ignorance and being brutally vicitimed by Pakistani arm forces in order to keep holds upon Balochistan and over Baloch nation.

In same manner Iran also imposing their fascist religious myth and laws over Baloch nation, ask for democratic rights cause sentence to death. Around 300 Baloch have been hanged by neck publically by Irani fascist forces by calling them miscreants, smuggler etc.

Baloch nation request to all civilized nation, people of Scandinavia, European countries and all human rights organization to raise their voice for Baloch nation, against the inhumanity and insanity of Pakistani and Iranian fascist forces and prevent any kind of foreign aid or help to Pakistani Government and its armies that may cause death of innocent Baloch people. Show up the solidarity to Baloch nation before evil forces of Pakistan and Iran crush a nation from the face of the world. We shall be thankful for your concern.

Reference Page:

On 12 August 1947 the New York Times published Pakistan's announcement which read: “Karachi, Aug, 11, 1947 [AP] – Among the congratulatory messages read to the Pakistan assembly today was one from United States Secretary of State George C. Marshall. An announcement from New Dehli said that Kalat, Moslem State in Balochistan, had reached an agreement with Pakistan for a free flow of communication and commerce, and would negotiate for decisions on defense, external affairs and communications. Under the agreement Pakistan recognizes Kalat as an independent, sovereign state with a status different from that of Indian states”. [The New York Times, Published: August 12, 1947, Copyright © The New York Times]


Published by Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge, 59 , Lincolns, Inn Fields Aug 15th 1838

(In this map Balochistan lies in neighbour of Persia (Iran) , Afghanistan and India. This map retained its shape till 1927).

Reference Websites:



Organizers: Baloch Student Organization (BSO) and BUC (Baloch Unity Conference)