بلوچ گلزمین ءِ جارچین


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Dated:19th Aug. 2009

Mr. Javier Solana
Secretary-General of the Council of the European Union
Rue de la Loi, 175
B-1048 Brussels

Dear Sir

Sub: Chinas Occupation Process its Neighbour Balawaristan

I have the privilege to elucidate some facts about the ALARMING  situation of Chinese new designs to occupy Balawaristan (Pakistan Occupied Gilgit Baltistan) with the blessing of Pakistan and process of this occupation has already underway with the huge  presence of Chinese well equipped armed soldiers as disguised labours in our area. To occupy our lands by leasing mountains heights and construction of  6 Mega Dams and  roads everywhere.

China had already occupied many of our areas like Taghdumbash and Raskam areas of Hunza including Azghar, Kuktash, Arsar, Uprang, Uruklu, Aliksu, Tashmani and Aksu which were part and parcel of Hunza (the old name of Hunza is Kanjut) before 1947.  Later Pakistan ceded major part of Shomshaal, Hunza to China in 1963 for the construction of Karakorum Highway (KKH), which is mostly used for the Military purpose (Misiles and nuclear parts were supplied to Pakistan via this Road) between Pakistan and China.  Besides this China has constructed 16 Airstrips on Karakorum Highway (KKH) recently which links Pakistan with China through this disputed part of Jammu & Kashmir. The presence of Chinese forces and the construction of Airstrips on the Road for Jet Fights will jeopardise the peace of the whole South Asia in near future.Though this is the legal and moral obligation of UN to protect this disputed part, without any hesitation, but unfortunately the apathy of UN and its members countries has caused tremendous problems to the life liberty and territory of the indigenous people of Balawaristan (Pakistan Occupied Gilgit Baltistan) since 1947.

Pakistan is violating all human rights and other international obligations and want to occupy this region permanently by giving major share to China with impunity. Pakistan is also strengthening its occupation by giving more than 2000 leases of the highest mountains which are full of precious and industrial mines including Gold and Uranium to China and its own national illegally by violating State Subject Rule and UNCIP Resolutions. In the absence of proper and impartial Judiciary and public  Representation no question of safe guard of the people’s right. Gilgit Baltistan is ruled by the occupying regime of Pakistan and it’s Military. Our people  have neither representation in Pakistan nor in Gilgit Baltistan. As a matter of fact people of this region are treated as Colonial Slaves of Pakistan even in the 21st Century.

Installation of Nuclear weapons at Skardu Airport is another conspiracy against this region, which is enough to vanish the whole population if it was exploded any time.

We appeal to the EU and USA  to persuade China not to involve itself in the occupation process of Balawaristan (Pakistan occupied Gilgit Baltistan) by taking lease of precious mines including copper, Gold and Uranium etc, by constructing Railways and Dams to change its environment, demography, geography and political dispensation.

USA and European Union should take serious notice  of ISI’s  new attempt to bring the disputed parts of Jammu & Kashmir, Occupied Gilgit Baltistan and Chitral  as their war field. Pakistan wants to genocide the owners of the Dams and nationalists after Swat by using the pretext of Talibaan, so the resistance power against the Pakistani occupation is perished. The imposition of Sharia law is Pakistan Army  and its ISI's nuclear bomb against the region. USA, EU and the  whole world community  should also take notice of the fate of non-Muslim communities of (Kalash) of Chitral, besides Brelvi, Shia and Ismailia Muslims after one  Sect Sharia laws are imposed. There is no common Sharia law in the whole Muslim world. But Talibaan and Al-Qaeda want to extend their own brand un-Islamic laws by the help of Pakistani forces and its intelligence agency, which is unacceptable.

We appeal to the world community not to allow Pakistan to kill the innocent people of Balawaristan (Pakistan Occupied Gilgit Baltistan, Chitral and Shhenaki Kohistan) by the pretext of Talibaan to fulfil  its own financial interest.  World Community should also  put pressure on Pakistan to withdraw its troops and  civilians, Afghan and Pakistani Taliban, terrorist groups and their master the ISI from Balawaristan  (Pakistan Occupied Gilgit Baltistan) and PoK, according to UNCIP resolutions to carry out free, fair and impartial referendum for Constitutional Assembly . This is the only way  to decide the future fate of this disputed territory peacefully and democratically.


Yours Sincerely,

Abdul Hamid Khan

Chairman Balawaristan National Front (BNF)

Balawaristan (Pakistan occupied Gilgit Baltistan)

Website: www.balawaristan.net

Address: Avenue d’auderghem 57/18, 1040 Etterbeek, Brussels, Tele: 02311750, Cell: 0488409035
