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Press Release,A remembrance meeting was held in the memory of Nawab Akber Bugti in London‏

Press Release

The Baloch and Sindhi paid tribute to Nawab Bugti

A remembrance meeting was held in the memory of Nawab Akber Bugti in the University of London Union Building on August 30, 2009. The meeting was organized by Balochi Human Rights Council (UK) and World Sindhi Congress. The meeting was hugely attended by the Baloch and Sindhi community in the UK.

A two minutes silence was observed to pay respect to the Baloch legendary leader.

Speakers from all walks of life paid high tribute to the great martyr of the Baloch national resistance. They highlighted various aspects of Nawab Bugti’s life, his role in the Baloch national struggle and the impact of his martyrdom on the Baloch and Sindhi national resistance.

In a resolution the meeting while paying tribute to Nawab Bugti for his ultimate sacrifice for his motherland, demanded from the international community to take action so that the murderers of Nawab Bugti and thousands of the Baloch face justice. The gathering demanded that the United Nation should investigate the circumstances of the brutal murder of Nawab Bugti and the responsible should be tried in an international court for the crimes they committed.

The meeting observed that the Pakistani state has been conducting a systematic and planned genocidal operation in Balochistan since the occupation in 1948. The situation has worsened during the last seven years in which thousands of the Baloch have been uprooted, arrested, tortured and killed by the state security apparatus. Thousands are missing and are believed to be languishing in the torture camps of the Pakistani military. There has been a sustained campaign of physically eliminating the Baloch political, intellectual, social and tribal leadership. The meeting demanded that international community physically intervene in Balochistan in order to bring an immediate halt to the genocidal actions of the Pakistani Military and facilitate in bringing the perpetrators of heinous crimes against humanity to courts of justice.

The meeting observed that while the right of self determination is the fundamental right of all colonized and oppressed nations according the United Nation Charter, the denial of this basic human right by the Pakistani State tantamount to the violation of the UN Charter.  The gathering demanded that the international community should take necessary actions in granting the right of self determination to the Baloch and Sindhis and facilitate and support them in their struggle to regain their national sovereignty and independent.

The meeting was chaired by Waja Akber Barakzai Honorary President of BHRC and proceedings were conducted by Samad Baloch General Secretary of Baloch Human  Rights Council (UK). The speakers on occasion included Khan Suleiman Daud, Dr. Lakhu Lohana, Dr. Naseer Dashti Abdullah Baloch, Banouk Mahdem Hosseinbor,Jamshed Amiri, Dr. Mustufa,Suriya Makhdoom, Abdul Wahid Bandeeg, Dr. Haleem Bhatti,Mehrab Sarjov, Faiz Baloch, Ewen MacMillan and Hasan Hamdam.

Issued by:

Samad Baloch

(on behalf of) Baloch Human Rights Council (UK)

World Sindhi Congress            

London 31/08/09