بلوچ گلزمین ءِ جارچین
 وش آتکے
گوانک ٹیوب
Melbourne Australia Saturday, February 09, 2013
Baloch students and activists organized a demonstration in front of parliament house Melbourne Australia at Spring Street.
At 9th of February Baloch students and activists organized a demonstration in front of parliament house Melbourne Australia at Spring Street. The participants of the protest were carrying placards demanding to stop military   operations in Balochistan they urge that UN should intervene in Balochistan, the participants of the demonstration also carried the photo of the victims of the torture, kill and dump.
Ahmer Rehman a student activist from Balochistan while addressing to the participants. He said, that we all know the land of Baloch; Balochistan is been occupied by Pakistan and Iran. Today I would like to focus on the Pakistani occupied Balochistan. In Pakistani occupied Balochistan the Baloch people are living a life at the gunpoint in the shadows of inhuman atrocities. Their physical survival is at stake with the systematic and organized genocide being carried out by the security agencies of Pakistan. The Baloch struggle is the response to cultural domination, economical exploitation, Political subjugation and occupation of the Baloch land by the Pakistan.
He said, In the last five years Pakistani military and intelligence agencies abducted thousands of Baloch political activists including Doctors, Lawyers, Students, Teachers, Journalists and Baloch intellectuals. Recently the organization named voice for the Baloch missing persons documented that, more then fourteen thousand Baloch are missing and they are in the custody of the Pakistani intelligence agencies. And more then seven hundred torture mutilated dead bodies of the Baloch missing persons were dumped across the roadsides and mountains in the Balochistan and in the different cities of the Pakistan.
Mr Rehman further said, in the beginning of 2013 the Pakistani military conducted deadly military operations and bombarded on civilian population in the Mashkay region of the Awaran, Balochistan. Which resulted in several casualties many of women and children were injured and killed.
Recently in last three days Pakistani sieged the village of Mangochar, Kalat district Balochistan. In this fresh operation many Baloch were killed and many of them were abducted by Pakistani military and their intelligence agencies.
Keeping all these atrocities and barbarism, I would also like to record my protest against the silence of international media. It is shameful that international media is not highlighting the state atrocities and the gross human rights violations, which are, carried out by Pakistani military and their intelligence agencies against the Baloch nation. We request the free media of the world to please take notice of these Pakistani crimes and highlight them.
At last he said, on the behalf of oppressed Baloch nation, I appeal from the Australian government to take notice of these atrocities of Pakistan and discuss Balochistan’ human rights situation in the international forums such as united nation. And I also appeal to the other civilized and democratic countries of the world to take an immediate action to pressurize the Pakistani government to stop the Baloch genocide and ongoing military operations across the Balochistan.