بلوچ گلزمین ءِ جارچین


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Consistent massacre of Baluch and intentional ignorance and negligence of international community

The Baluch nation everlastingly is approaching the civilized nations and responsible organization of the world which are claiming and terming themselves as the champion of human rights but, the same nations and organization have been ignoring the ethnic cleansing of Baluch nation, which itself reveals the irresponsibility of their mandate which entrusted upon them, by virtue of new norms of humanitarian international laws and new era of enlightenment. The civilized nations namely NATO are being blackmailed by Pakistan which is the axis of evil for south Asia but despite of that America including other civilized nations are helpless before Pakistan which is itself questionable. We saw that Osama bin Ladin was recovered under the very nose of security establishment from where he had operated his terrorist activities. Ahmed Rasheed is an authority and eminent expert in respect of Taliban and al Qaida phenomena, he has always boldly and courageously expressed his views with corroboration of concrete evidence and proofs that Taliban are the baby of ISI and Al Qaida in league with ISI in commission of terrorism activities in south Asia especially in Pakistan, Afghanistan and India in this connection the crucial example is Hafiz Saeed who is a valuable targeted terrorist and he is being supported and protected by the Pakistan security establishment and nowadays he has been declared as a leader of a party which was firstly known as Ja’mat ud Da’wah and when it was banned because it was notified as a terrorist organization but now the substance is same and symbol is changed and renamed as Pakistan Defense council which is a mockery.
The nations and countries who claims that they have determined to eliminate the terrorism in spite of this astonishingly and regretfully, they are not playing their entrusted responsibilities’ properly, In respect of consistent pattern of gross and reliably attested violation of human rights in Baluchistan. But, the consecutive atrocity of Pakistan security forces by the hands of whom the Baluch nation had been exterminating. The conduct, behavior and the intentional negligence and ignorance of civilized nation and international institutions are questionable in the eye of international laws and covenants.

Not only the security forces are exterminating the indigenous, aboriginal and underprivileged Baluch nation but now they also have started killing and kidnapping of Baluch women which is a naked atrocity and barbarism. The violent occurrence of 13th April 2012 is a textbook example, the following women were ruthlessly killed and men were administratively detained respectively :


Mrs Kaveel Bugti

Mrs Shan bibi d/o Jurroo Bugti

Mrs Noor Bibi w/o Azam Bugti

Mrs Jannat Bibi d/o Azam Bugti

Mrs Karima Bugti

Mrs Kaveel Bugti

Mrs Shali Bibi Bugti

Mrs Usman Bibi Bubgti 

MR. Larri s/o Usman Bugti
MR.Walidad s/o Karim Bugti

MR.Miran s/o Mewa Bugti

MR.Umar bux s/o Miran Bugti

MR.Hazar gul s/o Miran Bugti

MR.Samander s/o Karim Bux Bugti

MR.Sher ali s/o Namaloom Bugti

sawali d/o Namaloom Bugti

javand s/o Namaloom Bugti

The extra judicial killing and administrative detention without due process which is absolutely against the virus and spirit of international law, universal declaration of human rights and the international covenant on civil rights.

The paper has tried to argue that there has been consistent and flagrant violation of human right in baluchistan . Baluch nation is being extra judicially killed and tortured in illegal custody of security forces of Pakistan. Therefore, the Baluch nation appeals to NATO and United Nation to initiate an intervention to halt the consecutive massacre of Baloch nation on the ground of new norms of humanitarian international laws and instruments. 

Baluchistan Hhuman Rights Association Norway.

14th april 2012