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ccupied Balochistan 20110622

BSO Azaad Appeal Baloch Masses to Punish the Traitors

Occupied Balochistan:Baloch Students Organization central spokesperson said that Pakistani state failed to contain Baloch national insurgency; therefore it has resorted to committing genocide of Baloch nation. All known barbarism in the history being revised in Balochistan.  According to spokesperson, yesterday Pakistani forces,  after demolishing the home of martyred Hamid Baloch, abducted Waja Hameed, the father of martyred Hamid Baloch and released him other day after subjecting him of severe psychological tortures. The spokesperson said the security forces have
 threatened that he must hand over his son, Khalid Baloch, to securit forces otherwise they would destroy the entire family.  It is worth mentioning here that the elder brother of Khalid Baloch was abducted by forces and later the family received his tortured dead Body beyond recognition.  It is here to remind that, according to BSO Azaad spokesperson, in the same city of Besima, the ex chairman of BSO of Besima Zone Tariq Karim along with his Brother Asim karim and Ali Jan Saqib, were abducted by Pakistani forces and dumped their mutilated bodies in Jungle with severe torture marks.   BSO Azaad central spokesperson said that the barbaric atrocities and inhuman tactics of colonial mindset would not be able deter Baloch youths from participating the freedom struggle. According to spokesperson the stooges of the colonial state have established a network of secret agents across Balochistan to ease the task of occupying Pakistani forces in terminating the pro independent Baloch forces. In order to live a luxurious life and achieve a success in parliamentary politics, these stooges want to use the dead bodies of our martyrs to reach Pakistani parliament. NP, BNP and BNP awami are top in the list. BSO Azaad has appealed Baloch masses to take to task these Pakistani front men of these Parties. Almost all national movements around the world .have punished their traitors, people like Dr Malik and Hasil Bezanjo should not be