Archen Baloch  29/11/2012
The state sponsored terror organization, Mussaleh Defa e Tanzeem has gone rampage through the city of Kharan killing the innocent people of Kharan City who have sympathy with Baloch Freedom .movement
At the first week of this month of November the news media reported the arrival of MDT thugs in Kharan and reported a heavy handed crackdown on sympathizers of freedom movement and this organization's group photos were also appeared on facebook. The responsible members of the society cautioned all pro freedom political workers through general media for safety measures, and several families abandoned their homes behind and sought refuge in safe .places as they were already threatened for grave consequences

These armed terrorists are fully backed by government, Therefore, they can carry out any kind of attack against innocent member of Kharan's hitherto peaceful society whenever they want to without any obstacle.
According to detailed report the state killers ambushed Alla Rahim along with his friend, Aslam Dagarzai at Kalan road of Kharan city when they were returning home at 7pm after buying necessary things for his wedding, as he was .about to marry after two days
It is noteworthy here that the nephew of Saleem Dagarzai, Nasir Dagarzai was also arrested twice by Pakistan .security forces and subsequently his tortured to death and his mutilated body was found in a desolate area
According to locals the killers, before opening fire on the Rahim and Saleem, called upon them to disarm themselves .and throw their weapons on ground and surrender
It is normal in Baloch society to carry gun, but only only when the rule of law and civility is absent, under that code of .self protection and defense both Rahim and Saleem were armed for self defense when ambushed

As per Baloch code of honor and the fear of being killed at the hands of ISI without resistance, both resisted the killers and embraced the martyrdom.
During the resistance, one of the killers, Haji Mansoor got killed at the spot and three other injured, they were later on taken to CM military hospital in Quetta early moring by army helicopters.

When the people in the neighborhood tried to know what happened and approached the martyrs dead bodies, they were prevented by armed thugs with intense firing and warnings. According to further reports this carnage has been .carried out by the members of Besima wing of the DMT