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Baloch National leader Dr Alla Nizer has asked America and international
community to intervene in Balochistan and persecute Pakistan for
its crimes against humanity. 

Occupied Balochistan: Baloch national leader Dr Alla Nizer has welcomed American state department statement against the
Human Rights abuses the enforced disappearances, custodial and target killings of Baloch activists in Balochistan being committed by Pakistan saying that it is a positive step taken by America provided it is not a pressure for obtaining other objectives. He said that so far America, international
community and United Nations have refrained themselves from condemning the genocide of Baloch nation being perpetrated by occupying Pakistani forces.
Every sane human being knows for what reason they have compromised Balochistan human
rights. After 9/11 Pakistan promised to world community that it would fight terrorism, but it was a false promise and fooled the United States and its allies into extracting money and military aid
in the name of war against terrorism. Instead of fighting terrorism, all foreign aids it received from America and its allies are now being used against Baloch liberal forces to crush freedom movement and it has also spread its tentacles of terrorism around the world. Baloch pro freedom forces have, all along been, crying their heart out that Pakistan is not the part of solution.
But now it has been realized that Pakistan is indeed playing a double game. Though the condemnation of human rights has come late, it is promising that they have taken a right step towards a right direction. International community, along with America, should openly come
out in the support of Baloch freedom movement under the auspices of UN forum
imposing economic, political and military sanctions.
 As a regional power, china too should adopt a reasonable and responsible policy towards Balochistan and stop aiding Pakistani state against Baloch nation; because Balochistan, as an independent state, can play a key role in maintaining peace, stability and democracy - crucial for
achieving religious tolerance and prosperity in the entire region.  Dr Alla Nizer, the field commander of Baloch liberation Front said that let it be clear that mere issuing statement or deploring does not stop Pakistan from committing heinous crimes against humanity in Balochistan. The world powers and the United Nations should take pragmatic step in bringing Pakistan to book for committing crimes against humanity just like they did against Serbian, Libyan and Sudanese generals for committing crimes against humanity in Bosnia, South Sudan and Libya.
He said that Pakistan’s Spy agency ISI, Pakistani military, and the heads of Pakistan armed forces, 16th corps commander in Balochistan, Inspector General of FC should be persecuted for Grave Breaches of the Geneva Conventions by International Criminal Court for the crimes of genocide of Baloch people in the form of enforced disappearances, extra judicial killings and inhuman tortures inflicted upon Baloch political workers. Financial and trade sanctions should be imposed on Pakistan, because these crimes are of international character.
Courtesy: Dailytawar