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Development in Pakistani Dictionary [I]

By:Diagoh Murad Wednesday, February 24, 2010

This is continued part of Development=Exploitation which was written on 13 February 2010 because of some congested time the article was left unrevised so this part is introduced as to fulfill the whole chapter and show the main point as to what and how the approach to these so called development projects should be. Although we don’t recommend and allow these project but for the advancement of Baloch society we will accept if the government approach would be over the improving of Baloch society rather than exploiting it.

The biggest mineral harvesting program known as development projects inside the region of Balochistan has once again reached the top as not only projects like (Saindak, Rekodek, Dudder Zinc Project, Chamalang Mine Project, Gwadar Deep sea port & Mirani Dam project) are concluded but advertising the commercial and residential land plotting has also took place with in the region of Balochistan where places like (Gwadar, Pasni, Ormara, Hub & many other areas have became famous for their flocking of developing ideas brought by federal governments totally neglecting Baloch & Balochistan local Government). These developing areas mentioned are thin in population wise as they have never been attributed or introduced by any previous government of Pakistan into the world of development as they are illiterate, unskilled and most importantly neglected in the fields of Human Development Programs.

Let us first talk about Human Development Programs and In Baloch milieu what role HDP performs. HDP can be neatly described as to nurture a human in society where he would be treated with utmost care & would be brought up equally as the other neighboring it. It can also be defined “As the process of enlarging people’s freedoms and opportunities and improving their well-being. Human development is about the real freedom ordinary people have to decide who to be, what to do, and how to live.” or to better translate it “Bringing about development of the people, by the people, and for the people, and emphasizing that the goals of development are choices and freedoms”.

The Baloch strongly believes in this program and tried to improve itself in shaping up its society passionately so that its next generation will follow its path and would become a part of this modernized global world but now seeing Baloch nation in such a afflicted condition, the ancestors of the Baloch will be disappointed over their deprived standard, not only they are stamped with the illiteracy board but they have something more embarrassing stuck to themselves, it is the identity to be a Pakistani (whose identity is still unknown) rather being Baloch whose century is coming before Islam itself. One with such distant cultural & moral values would wisely name himself after his ancestors whom were the reason that Baloch Nation has lived up 1000 years and were brought up in 21st century still with the same secularism and the same culture & language it was cherished with. HDP comes in contact when a nation is following with the world clockwise because if its goes backwardly it would not be called development it would somewhat be neglected social living or Tribalism like Pakistan calls it.

In the context of HDP Baloch being part of Pakistan don’t seems to be developed, as from their economy to their communal living condition Baloch are in the neglected form or living a life of loose social orders. Baloch nation have faced negligence since the beginning of 19th century by most colonial powers where they were forced to give way constructing a society which would be lucrative for the colonial powers rather than the inhabitants itself. It was these colonial powers which set margins inside the region of Balochistan and parted it in three pieces to please their collaborators (Iran, Pakistan & Afghanistan). At in all these 100 years of colonial subjugation Baloch never saw development in their social life and after the division it became worse for Baloch to live under the umbrella of Pakistani federation who didn’t pass Baloch in the category of human being because if they ever truly considered them as humans than Baloch wouldn’t have gotten to this throttle condition. On one side Baloch nation was forced to suppress its identity as a nation with Culture, Language & Metamorphose society and on the order hand the Pakistani government has been busy to accommodate more of these Development projects (Known as Exploitation projects) to ensure its credibility among the developed nation as maintaining the society of Baloch to a good extent. To discredit these claims of Pakistani federation let us go to our main point which is how Baloch society in today’s condition can be matched up by the HDP reports which is a part of UNHDR (United Nations Human Development Report) which showcase every year about the possibility to make the global world fit enough to progress more to human development

We would match up some points of development taken from the accounts of UNHDR and Pakistani development projects and would lastly conclude our own stand over what has actually Pakistan’s government achieved in so many years and what is it doing now screaming about so called exploitation projects and naming them Development.

1- In the Testimony of Human Development Report submitted on 2004 By UNDP (United Nations Development Projects) it carefully express about the cultural liberty and what should be done in the regard of traditional culture and what account should be made to let the nation freely practice their religion openly, speak their language, to celebrate their ethnic or religious heritage (Mind you none of these can be applied to the Iran suppressed Baloch nation as they have no rights to practice their religion, speak their language or to celebrate their ethnic or religious heritage, which is a big slap to the Human Development program).

2- In the Testimony of Human Development Report submitted on 2000 by UNDP it speaks of human rights and human development for freedom and solidarity. In which it clearly states about the freedom from discrimination such as (gender, race, ethnicity & national origin), Freedom from injustice and violations of the rule of law, freedom from fear-of threats to personal security, from torture & extra judicial arrest.

3- In the Testimony of Human Development Report submitted on 2006 by UNDP it argues poverty, power and inequality as the heart of the problem. The main concern of this report was to discuss about the global water shortage and how water problem has inflicted the destruction of human development with no clean drinking water and no adequate sanitation. (Which by the way is a big problem faced today by Baloch nation as not only Baloch were given supply of clean drinking water but adequate sanitation have given Baloch nation a big blow as it was neglected by the federal government while they were planning new exploitation projects).

4- In the Testimony of Human Development Report submitted on 2004 by UNDP it states the basic need for economic growth which would play a vital role in reducing the effects of poverty over the economy of a nation or state but it also discusses about the possibility that if the economic growth is not properly managed it could cause unemployment, it would be voiceless, ruthless, rootless and futureless and thus be detrimental to human development. (For past couple of years economic growth of Pakistan has played no role to subsidize the needs and demand of Baloch nation neither it has been keen to solve the poverty reduction program for which it has build up infrastructure which are just not matched to this 21st century economization).

Now analyzing these points as the main objective & to realize the situation on which Baloch nation didn’t prosper with these so called development projects we will discuss the possibility of the outcome which can now be seen as resistance by Baloch nation against their occupier (as Balochistan was never been part of British India from which division Pakistan came into being). Taking the 1st testimony we will outline it with Baloch resistance in both East & West Balochistan.

For Human Development Freedom to Practice Culture including Language & Religion as the utmost priority:

The first testimony on which this discussion is taking place calls of freedom to practice once cultural heritage in their traditional way, where they can share their culture values, their cherished language & place religions forums for the betterment of their coming generations. The report defined this testimony as

“Cultural liberty is a vital part of human development because being able to choose one’s identity-who one is-without losing the respect of others excluded from other choices is important leading a full life. People want freedom to practice their religion openly, to speak their language, to celebrate their ethnic heritage without fear of ridicule or diminished opportunity”.

As Baloch nation have its distinct roots in the society it is the right of Baloch nation to raise debate over their own cultural forums, speak and learn their cherished language so that the coming generations of Baloch nation would be enlighten with their ethnic civilized national values But such practice is not acceptable in some part of occupied Balochistan where not only they are treated in the manner of uncivilized way but have also been punished for empowering to ensure protection of their culture heritage. Iranian occupied Balochistan (West Balochistan) have seen such kind of punishment with brutal abduction, public hanging and the most recently live testing of bullets over the protest of Baloch nationalist parties when ever they have affirmed to continue protecting their cultural heritage and ensured the cherishment of their language.

The Pakistani occupied Balochistan (East Balochistan) have also been not so politely given freedom over the enrichment of Baloch national values as it clearly sees Balochistan as its colony without which its economy have faced calamity in the very start of its formation, But as Baloch nation faced division so it faced the suppression of other cultures and language over their own. In both Pakistani & Iranian occupied Balochistan there is a ban on Baloch national language, Baloch are pushed not to wear or talk that is related to Balochi culture, the school & universities in the locality of Baloch nation are supervised by the neo-colonial powers who in turn makes rules about the study circles and the subjects on which the oncoming generations is being neutralize against cultural values of Baloch nation. Baloch nation in West Balochistan face more depression as they not only were forced to submit their national values but also their religious values in the hands of neo-colonial powers who in turn shape up a society which will be lucrative to Iranian Persian rule which is majority of Shite religious forms.

On the other hand the Pakistani federation has been busy to extradite as many Sunni Baloch as it could to be handed to Iranian authorities for collaborating in the acts of protecting their national interests against both Pakistan and Irani Shite Government, Iran has been blamed of surpassing the human rights where it not only violated the rights but also cultural and social violence has been forced on the minorities under the Irani Shite religious Government.

East Balochistan which has been under colonized by Pakistani government for more than 62 years have also faced cultural and language discrimination where they are not authorized to elect Balochi (which is the mother tongue of Baloch nation) as their national language, they were forced on to be taught Urdu (Mind you this language is sponsored by Jinnah and his deluge of migrants, whom settled here). How much discrimination should Baloch suffer that’s what a common Baloch think when their own culture has been rubbed off from the mind of their coming generations and replaced by the Pakistani fragmented culture (Which teaches them that their mother tongue is Urdu and Jinnah is their Godfather and Pakistan has been made by the wish of God). Pakistan’s culture discrimination is not new as it has been viewed in the four provinces only three face the extinction of languages from the coming generations because of the implementation of a language which is not spoken by any of the nation mixed inside Pakistan borders, the teaching of Urdu language was solely meant to crush the cultural resistance and finish off the morals inside the nation by terminating the language and culture from the mind of the coming generations.

If we collect some views from Pakistan’s fragmented culture and take some portion of Indian mixed culture we would see India more generous towards its inhabitants. India being mixed with culture of different nations sort out a method to bring end to cultural discrimination by practicing three language formulas for decades, children are taught in the official language of their state like (Bengali in West Bengal) and are also taught the two official language of the country, Hindi & English. In Pakistan it’s different, here cultural discrimination is supported because from its formation Jinnah (The so called Godfather) have formed Urdu as the official and national language to be spoken by every inhabitants and with that every Schools, Collages & Universities inside Balochistan (Although Schools, Collages & Universities in Balochistan don’t exist if you step out of provincial capital Quetta) have taken Urdu as the sole language in which subjects are taught. This cultural discrimination inside occupied Balochistan (East or West) have been going on since the creation of Pakistan and Iran as both the states have sought to exterminate Baloch nation by any means necessary.


For Human Development Freedom from injustice, Fear of threats, from torture & extra judicial abductions :

The second Testimony is likely to be more vital than all of the above as today it has been recalled once again, from torture to threats and at last injustice which is most likely the case of the missing person who were abducted by Secret agencies of Pakistan’s and till now nobody know what has happened to the disappeared people. Before starting this topic let us take a look at the report submitted by UNDP as to what the report says to these injustices and what outcome can be seen if these torture and extra judicial abductions happens in a society.

“Human Rights & Human Development are both about securing basic freedoms. Human rights express the bold idea that all people have claims to social arrangements that protect them from the worst abuses and deprivations- and that secure the freedom for a life full of dignity Human development, in turn, is a process of enhancing human capabilities to expand choices & opportunities so that each person can lead a life of respect & value. When Human rights & development advance together, they reinforce one another, expanding people’s capabilities & protecting their rights and fundamental freedoms.”

The above quotation are the words from the HDR report submitted on human development and human rights which shows the equality between them, As how important is to protect the human rights so human development can be achieved. But in the recent crisis where Baloch nation stands it has 9000 Baloch youth, women, old men & children abducted and were barred from having any legal preceding. Some days ago Asian human rights commission (AHRC) submitted a report comprising of 168 Children abducted by the Secret agencies of Pakistan in the Marri and Bugti areas of Balochistan and it also contained some more information about the women who were being treated as sex-slaves inside the prisons of Pakistani army.

Is this development or what? abduction of Baloch youth, Killing of innocent people of Dera Bugti on 26 march 2005, on what grounds can a wise man call this development where rights are snatched from the mouths of peoples, where freedom of speech is forced with threats of life. Pakistan was also responsible in the 70th for killing 5000 Baloch men in the Marri area with cobra helicopters supplied by Shah of Iran Reza Shah Pahlavi, not only Pakistan has been labeled with terrorism against Baloch but also a senior Baloch nationalist leader Nawab Akbar Bugti was murdered cold bloodedly in the mountains of Tratani with chemical weapons. Pakistan is also guilty of testing nuclear arms inside the region of Chagai which is still inflicted with severe radiation which has effects on water of the region. Pakistani secret agencies are not only involved in abduction but also extra judicial killing of Baloch nationalist leader for instance the abduction of three nationalist leader from their lawyers office Martyr Ghulam Mohammad Baloch, Martyr Lala Muneer Baloch, & Martyr Sher Mohammad Baloch and the murders of these three leaders before dumping their bodies in the outskirts of district Turbat for decomposing.

Whatever there is Baloch nation has been fooled after the forced annexation and are still being tortured in the secret prison which Baloch calls as Guantanamo of Balochistan. Where Baloch political personalities are tortured and later killed without any legal preceding, The ISI, MI or the army of Pakistan is not abided by law of Pakistan as the judicial system of Pakistan is mostly corrupted by retired army generals and majors.

For Human Development depletion of poverty, inequality & solving water crisis is a must:

Water the most vital substance needed for a daily purposes, it is not only recommended by human body but it has much more specific work in the human society But water crisis is a bigger problem inside Balochistan as there are no system for water supplies or not many dams constructed to carry water to different districts of Balochistan and to fulfill this problem Baloch women have to walk miles to fetch water for them and their livestock which is very much tiring in the summer heat. To solve this problem, the federal government of Pakistan didn’t do much but it constructed some dams in the outskirts of Balochistan like the Hub Dam, Shadi Kaur Dam & Mirani Dam, but it isn’t much because the construction of Hub Dam was to reduce the water shortage inside Karachi and most of the system of Hub Dam leads to Karachi Canals and the Locals of Hub have been deprived of it as there was no system provided to carry water in the outskirts of district Hub.

The Shadi kaur which became a controversial issue because of its low material utilizing in the making cracked the dam which took lives of many innocent Baloch peoples and it also wiped most towns in the Pasni district, to support the victims of this incident Federal government didn’t took notice as they are not considered humans or they didn’t care much about them. The World Bank report which was submitted last year has this to say to the ongoing water crisis inside Balochistan “Water is the single most important constraint to developing rural Balochistan. While some 87 per cent of Pakistan’s total available water is found in the river system of the Indus basin, only five per cent of Balochistan’s landmass is connected to the Indus basin and the remaining 95 per cent rely on non-perennial sources. Since 97 per cent of province’s water use is by agriculture, any strategy to deal with the water shortage has to put this sector centre stage”.

To this day Baloch nation have never been given supply of clean drinking water or an adequate sanitation which is frustrating because in the 62 years of Balochistan forced annexation in Pakistani boundaries, Baloch nation lived like animals, drinking from the same ponds from where their livestock fill their needs which is not accepted when Federal government talks about Development, which in turn should be to solve the water crisis, reduction of poverty & inequality but nothing can be seen as 90% of Baloch nation lives under poverty line and inequality is gaining its roots inside Balochistan. Rather putting a stop to this the Federal government is busy with projects like Saindak, Rekodek, Duddar & Chamalang mine project through which gold, copper, coal, zinc & lead resources are being extracted and exported to foreign companies but Balochistan is not getting its due share from it and all the revenues and exporting money which turns to be billions are taken by Federal government.

How much inequality is going on that Baloch nation whose needs are to have Education facilities, Medical facilities, Clean Drinking water, adequate sanitation & to live equally as the peoples living in other provinces but not much have been done in these fields by Federal government which has all the power & Balochistan local government is also chained as it is a mere puppet in need of support from the Federal government. When the provincial government is begging for NFC awards or packages what is left for Baloch nation because being rich in mineral resources Balochistan government is waiting for packages to be implemented by federal government, Packages and NFC awards for those who have helped the damned economy of Pakistan to prosper this far, isn’t this inequality? What these packages or some quota from the NFC distribution will bring that exploitation of tones of these mineral resources couldn’t bring is what a Baloch think today, because Pakistani government seems to exploit the regions resources and export them to gain billions and name it as the development of local bodies. Where the locals know that how these billions are earned and where they are being used.

For Human Development management of the economic growth is must to subsidize the needs of nation:

Economic growth is a must because of its needs, as economy prosper so the lives of people who are attached to the economical system will also becomes sustainable. The report submitted by UNDP mostly reviews this subject as “that the links between economic growth and human development must be deliberately forged and regularly fortified by skillful and intelligent policy management. It identifies employment as critical for translating the benefits of economic growth into the lives of people. But for this to happen, new patterns of growth will need to be developed and sustained well into the 21st century-- and new mechanisms must be developed to integrate the weak and the vulnerable into the expanding global economy”.

As the last line is concerned which the report talk about integrating the weak so that the economy of a state could expand, but in Pakistan the weak and vulnerable nation are pressured and subjugated where there demands and needs are crushed with the nation who are in power whose need and demands are more. In Pakistan Punjab being more in population wise as more demands and needs and so do other province inside Pakistan but Baloch being less in population wise has always remain in the dark alley as federal government don’t count Baloch in their policies, if this wasn’t the case than Baloch nation would have been given a chance of choices for themselves but the power to choose is not in the hands of Baloch nation or the local Balochistan government, it has always been the federal government in which the population of Punjab has more voice than Baloch representatives as the parliament and national assembly of Pakistan as 26 seats for Balochistan which is nothing compared to 236 seats for Punjab so this means that Baloch nations needs and demands are voiceless in the parliament and national assembly of Pakistan.

Not only the choices and demands are in the hands of Federal government but distribution of national assets and revenues gained from the exporting of the mineral resources is also in the hands of federal government who in turn makes the unequal proposition where Balochistan gets 5% of the total revenue collections which if compared to 56% to Punjab is zero. The droll thing is this that all these mineral resources are extracted from sindh and Balochistan but Baloch & Sindhi nation are the most deprived in the Pakistani federation and the rest of population that is Pashtun, Muhajir & Punjabi have been supported when ever Pakistani economy expanded.


While wrapping up all these Testimony, the report of UNDP symbolized human development to the most basic things like Education, Health, Water, Poverty Reduction, Employment & Equality between nations but do many see these development in the society of Baloch nation, if one does than he has read the meaning of development from Pakistani dictionary which cite the word wrongly. As Pakistani federation cite exploitation as development and implement it on those nation who are weak and vulnerable and their demands and needs are never subsidize when ever Pakistan’s economical growth increases. Now the readers have to do the thinking that what they see inside Balochistan is development or it is the other way around as Exploitation because UNDP has some other meanings to development but pity for nation living inside the boundaries of Pakistan that the colonial powers see development for Punjab only.