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  Posted 15/02/2010

Bangkok Conference; Participation of doubtful personalities, Pro-independence’ boycott
By Mureed Jan Baloch /Shaal
Hearing the news of the pro-independence leaders and intellectuals boycott the conference which is to be held in Bangkok from February 22nd-24th on the subject of “Baluchistan yesterday, today and tomorrow; meeting the challenges” left us in the state of pleasant amazement as well as amusement.
The reason of amazement was the question of how could a person like Munir Mengal whose only announcement of opening TV channel (Baluch Voice) let the people overwhelmingly support him, commit such a mistake by inviting such personalities who are not only doubtful but are involved directly working against the Baluch national freedom struggle. 
The reason of amusement was to come to know the Baluch leaders and intellectuals today are much matured than ever having the ability of analyzing every aspect of this struggle. Or else, if such conference were to be taken place a few years back, it would have not been inspected on such scale resulting in the increase of numbers of participants and those who keep evil ambitions would have continued their work. In result, the national struggle would have faced interior and exterior troubles due to it. 
After the caution given by the pro-independence leaders and intellectuals for not participating in the conference and appealing others (pro-independence) to not to mark their characters as suspicious by participating, we tried to inspect the situation to get the real issue. 
After consulting a few friends on this subject, we came to know leaders and intellectuals took this decision after 2 basic points;
Hiding the names of the participants coming from Pakistan even to those who play an important role. 
Participation of doubtful personalities like Dr. Jumma Marri and Dr. Wahid in this conference. 
Hiding the names of the participants coming from Pakistan even to those who play an important role:
A conference in which Baluchistan’s peak leaders like Mehran Marri’s participation is expected, the identification of other participants is necessary because in such stage when Baluch national struggle is accelerating day by day, one cannot overrule the fact of Pakistan and Iran harming such leaders by any mean of conspiracy. If Munir Mengal had invited trustworthy leaders, intellectuals, journalists and political activists from Baluchistan or even Pakistan, why would he hide their names from those who are playing a direct and important role in the national struggle?
As far as we came to know, despite the requests of some foreign based Baluch leaders and intellectuals who were their self invited to participate in the conference, the names of participants from Pakistan were not told to them. 
There was no harm in revealing the names of the participants to those who are leading this national struggle and are worried about their own security so that accordingly they could gather information about the participants for their satisfaction. 
Inviting doubtful personalities giving birth to many confusions:
The issue of Dr. Jumma Marri being invited is a matter of bunch of questions. First of all, Dr. Jumma Marri himself hold no importance nor he is related to the Baluch national freedom struggle by any means. He owns a website (www.balochunity.org) which actually spreads confusion among visitors about the Baluch national freedom struggle and is a mean of making the struggle unpopular. The invitees of this conference include a few foreign based activists who directly rely on the payroll of Pakistan, other than that, invitees include a bunch of people who keep daydreaming and are victims of the misconception of representing the Baluch internationally. Recently a self made poll was organized in one of their sites (keep in mind Dr. Jumma Marri and Dr. Wahid Baluch both have their own different websites) in which national heroes like Martyr Nawab Akbar Khan Bugti and Nawab Khair Baksh Marri along with other pro-independence leaders were insulted which is an unforgivable national crime. 
According to sources, in interviews published in some Indian and Russian newspapers Dr. Jumma Marri has shown himself to be a Baluch leader and son of the legendary Baluch leader. As far as the question of being a Baluch leader is concerned, this topic is invalid for discussion because Dr. Jumma Marri is mostly known of being a spy of his father and his so-called legendary father is today known as the legendary traitor among Baluchs.
In most of his interviews, Dr. Jumma Marri has introduced himself by saying he is the son of legendary commander Mir Hazar Khan Marri who in the decades of 70s and 80s fought against Pakistan but Dr. Jumma never add the fact of once his legendary father, has now surrendered himself to the Pakistani army and is well prepared organizing the tribal force against the freedom fighters in the interest of the Pakistani army. For the remembrance and the kind information of the readers, I am pasting the exact words of Mir Hazar Khan Marri quoting in front of the world media during the act of surrender to Pakistani army;
        “My name is Mir Hazar Khan Marri, I have before fought against Bhutto and Ayub Khan, I was a colleague of Nawab Khair Baksh Marri, He was my leader then I separated from Nawab Marri, Now these (who surrendered) have surrendered because of trusting on me. Now these people will not fight against Pakistan. The government has promised to bring development which is still not present, these people have been promised of jobs opportunities, hospitals, roads etc. Now we are with the government of Pakistan.”
(Please visit the following link:     http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iJE77m1M0KM
Dr. Jumma Marri honors his father as a legend because of his freedom struggle for Baluchistan back in 70s and 80s, but today as he organizes tribal force against the freedom fighters, according to any law in the world he may have been a legendary commander in the past but in the present he is a traitor in the view of the Baluchs. 
The only complain to Dr. Jumma Marri is that if his father is committed to such a crime, he could atleast issue a statement expressing that once his father was a famous commander of Baluch nation but at present he is cooperating with the Pakistani army which Dr. Jumma Marri himself condemns. Dr. Jumma Marri never confessed this truth but always tried to make fool the world by showing achievements of his fathers struggle in 70s and 80s. How can a person be trustworthy who organize a rubbish poll against Baluch national leaders like Martyr Nawab Akbar Bugti and Nawab Khair Baksh Marri in his website and never confess his fathers surrender to the enemy or says what his father is currently doing. 
Dr. Wahid too is a dummy character in Baluch national struggle who in the US claims to talk about Baloch rights but he himself published news and statements in his website in order to attempt character assassination Of Martyr Ghulam Mohammad. This trend continued till Chairman Ghulam Mohammad was martyred along his colleagues. 
Following are the shameful words of Dr. Wahid which he quoted on April 7th 2009 and are the proof of his dishonesty;
“May someone ask what these so-called ‘freedom fighters’  were doing in Kachkol’s office? Drinking tea..? Those who are real freedom fighters do not drink tea openly at the corner. Atleast, we are not going to buy this story and these I.S.I. dramas. They are being arrested and released in order to boost their popularity and distract the people from the real situation”
How can a person be invited to the conference who had without any confirmation or proof accused a shining star in this freedom struggle Martyr Ghulam Mohammad and tried to character assassin him. Call it unfortunate of Munir Mengal or his unawareness that he his relations with such doubtful personalities and attending a program in India with very Dr. Wahid, we are unaware that what all confusions they had raised there about Baluch national freedom movement. But we have heard at some point through our friends that Munir Mengal in India tried to ensure  that he is a representative of a Guerilla Commandar  and who that commander be, we have no idea. The  commander’s representative being Munir Mengal and Dr. Jumma Marri and Dr. Wahid like self claimed leaders being colleagues of Munir Mengal, we humbly advice the particular commander to beware because there is a famous phrase “You tell me whose your friend, I shall tell you who you are!” 
In the end, we would conclude that any committee or organization interested in holding any kind of conference on the issue of Baluch national freedom movement, should avoid inviting such doubtful personalities in their conferences whom the pro-independence believe to be the enemies of the freedom struggle.