Saturday, April 02, 2011

Terrorism in Pakistan; Baloch and Sindhis Excluded

Written By  Adeenag

Pakistan is the biggest concern of the civilized world, a country steeped into Extremism, terrorism and .with a foreign policy of exporting terror to neighboring countries India, Afghanistan and Bangladesh
Recently a report published in The Economist under the heading, A great deal of ruin in a nation, Why Islam took a violent and intolerant turn in Pakistan, presented a bleak picture of recovery. Table of statistics in proportion of extremism and terrorism on the ethnic basis shows that .Fortunately Baloch and Sindhis  nations are not involved in terrorism; as they .are regarded only liberal people in Pakistan
One of also astounding revelations is that six major extremist organisations in Pakistan derive their source of cadres from Punjabi ethnic group. Four out of six groups constitute of Punabi. Pashtuns lag much behind by constituting only two out of six. Mohajirs .also represents one

 It is worth mentioning here that Punjabis have not only outnumbered other nations in the extremist groups but also in Pakistan military and state institutions.  Pashtun has also the second number similarly. Mohajir also hold sway of third position. On the same pattern Baloch and Sindhi are excluded. It means that if in future extremists take control of Pakistani state, it does not change the power structure on the ethnic basis. It also omens for sindhis and Baloch that they have no better prospect in either case. Punjabi extremists will retian the power, followed by Pashtun and Mohajir extremists.  But these statics ignore other variables and policies of Pakistani state and extremist groups that have a thrust to spread extremism to remaining parts and ethnic groups in Pakistan, which have resisted with full strength so .far

One of the great concerns of the liberal groups in Balochistan and Sindh is the ongoing military operations in Balochistan against secular Baloch. The targets are not only Sarmachars (equivalent of freedom fighters in Balochi) but non-combatant liberal and secular people who find it hard to co-exist with Islamabad’s brand of Islam. Among them are students, intellectuals, lawyers, novelists, filmmakers, singers, farmers and almost all groups. According to Amnesty International, thousands of Baloch have gone missing since Islamabad started its military operations in Balochistan in 2004. So far 130 mutilated bodies of Baloch missing persons have been recovered in a short span of 7 moths. Many believe the figures are the tip of iceberg, fearing the fate thousands of other political prisoners lingering in .Islamabad’smilitary torture cells, facing inhuman brutalities which supersede tortures in Nazi’s concentration camps

Liberal forces in Balochistan view the eradication of secular political workers as an integral part of Islamabad long sought-after policy of Talibanization of Balochistan to counter growing nationalism among Baloch which challenges legitimacy of Pakistani government in Balochistan. Baloch nationalists want restoration of sovereignty of Balochistan occupied by Pakistani forces in 1948. Eradication of liberals and nationalists will pave the way of Taliban without much resistance. So far such a scheme has failed but it will be possible if world community does not take the notice of .Islamabad’s mass killings of secular Baloch people

Recently Pakistan has redubbled efforts to replace secular forces with Islamists. Pakhtuns and settlers Punjabi with handful of Baloch Mullahs have been given the task to launch Tableeghi institutions across Balochistan to counter nationalist ideology. Hundreds of new Madrassh have been built. Several Islamic NGOs have been established to support local population by making them extremist. They are openly blaming the nationalist for anomalies in Balochistan and calling for Jihad. Khuzdar , Panjgur and Gwadar districts seem to be center of such activities. Despite of pouring of billions of rupees and massive propaganda, they have failed to obtain support of local people, except a few people succumbed to the lure of privileges. But once again it does not guarantee that in distance future Balochistan will not be talibanised. If Islamabad is succeeded in eliminating the secular Baloch political workers, the province will be .talibanized and Pakistanized

So far the civilized world has not reacted to the brutalities of Pakistani state unleashed upon Baloch. Italianization of Balochistan, a region at the cross road of Central Asia, Middle East and South Asia, will not be less than a nightmare for the civilized world. Pressure should be beeped up on Pakistan to immediately end ongoing military operations, withdraw .its military, and respect aspiration of secular Baloch people