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Hairbyar pours scorn over International Community and Human Rights
Organisations silence over Genocide

By  Adeenag Baloch
Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Commenting on the recent Amnesty International report on Balochistan, The Baloch
exiled leader Hairbyar Marri harshly criticised the international community and
human rights organistaion silence over genocide of Baloch people in the hands of
Pakistani Armed Forces and its civilian establishments. He said that Pakistani
colonial forces had embarked upon a policy of genocide with impunity in Balochistan
but The conscious negligence of International Organistaion was underpinning the
policies of the oppressor.
He said, " if International Community stop helping and backing Pakistan's colonial
forces, It can't maintain its hold over Balochistan for a long period." He further
said that" intentional neglegiance" of internationl community had resulted in the
massacre of Baloch people. Had they intervened in Balochistan on humanitarian basis
, the genocide could have been averted.
His harsh statement came in the backdrop of an Amnesty International statement
calling for an end to custodial killings of Baloch activists.
It states, " The Pakistan government must immediately provide accountability for the
alarming number of killings and abductions in Balochistan attributed to government
forces in recent months".
Amnesty Interanational concerns that death toll is rising with an alarming pace. "
In the last four months, at least 90 Baloch activists, teachers, journalists and
lawyers have disappeared or been murdered, many in "kill and dump" operations,
according to information compiled by Amnesty International. Their bullet-ridden
bodies, most bearing torture marks, have been recovered across Balochistan."
In October 2010 AI reported, " Many people have died at the hands of the security
forces in extrajudicial executions and deaths in custody, and thousands of people
are reported to have been subjected to enforced disappearance. "
Not only the international organistaions but Supreme Court of Pakistan affirmed
yesterday (25/02/2011) that Balochistan detriorating situation was linked to issue
of missing persons. A three-member apex court bench of Chief Justice of Pakistan
(CJP) Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry, Justice Muhammad Sair Ali, Justice Ghulam Rabbani
has been hearing a petition filed by the Balochistan High Court Bar Association
(BHCBA) president under Article 184(3) of the constitution, making the federal
government and nine others as respondents. The petition submitted to Pakistan's Apex
court claims that more than 5000 Baloch are missing since military operations
launched by military regime of General Pervaiz Musharaf.
Daily Dawn reporeted on 26 feburary 2011 ," In its petition, Mr Shakeel had sought
the court`s direction requiring the government to protect the life and property of
the people of Balochistan by taking steps to curb the incidents of target killing
and abduction for ransom. According to the petition, at least 5,000 people are
missing in Balochistan.................On Sept 14, the petitioner said, three people
were abducted by the personnel of law-enforcement agencies and the body of Sher Ali
Kurd advocate was found in Khuzdar on Sept 24...........Throughout Balochistan, he
said, nobody considered himself to be safe or protected."
The conflict in Balochistan is worsening day by day. Not a single day pass without
dumping and killing of mutialated bodies of Baloch activists. The victims do not
belong to a particular groups. It includes political workers, poets and artiste,
teachers, labourers across Balochistan. The crisis has engulfed all Balochistan and
the territories that are historically parts of Balochistan. Many of experts compare
Humanitarian Crisis in Balochistan to that of Darfur. However, International media
and organisation neglects the alarming number of Internal Displaced Persons in
Balochistan.More than 50000 people have Internally displaced or become homless since
Pakistani military started its biggest military adventure after breakdown of
Pakistan in 1971.
Natural disasters have also contributed to miseries of already the conflict ridden
areas. The floods in 2007 and 2010 have destroyed numerous villages, making ten of
thousands of people homeless across Balochistan. To rub the salt to the wounds,
Pakistan did not allow international donors and NGOS to take part in the flood
relief activities in the aftermath worst Humanitary Crisis as called by Humanitarian
To conclude, Hairbyar's rage is justified over Intentional Negligence of
International Community. To avoid a major Humanitarian crisis in the modern history,
UN should immediately think about Humanitarian Intervention in Balochistan.
As the conflict does not seem letting up, another Darfur in next few months seem to
be in the offing.