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  Posted 26/01/2010

Helping Pakistan- Obliterate Balochistan

From: Diagoh Murad  

“Prime Minister Gillani Petitions Envoy for Drone Technology”

Pakistan being the close acquaintance & coalition collaborator in the ongoing war on terrorism of the United States has played a major role and was on the forefront to offer assistance to United States army and the NATO forces. The ongoing war on terrorism has made chances for Pakistan to have good relationship with America although many would believe that American government is not satisfied with Pakistan’s ongoing effort to put an end of terrorism inside Central Asia, as many of Pakistan’s own tribal belts are infected by Taliban’s militancy Swat, Malakhand, South & North Waziristan are under the control of Taliban leadership also known as Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan which is worrying as they have seized many of the governmental institutions and the so called operation     “Rah-i-Nijat” was not a success to recover these district while there are operation undergoing but still no result can be seen. As militancy has spread inside Peshawar and the other key parts of FATA, it raise doubts that Pakistan is showing no concern to stop the advancing or may trying to dismantle the Taliban’s forces inside N.W.F.P, where even the provincial capital has been under severe battles with the Taliban insurgency. 

The constant war inside Afghanistan has effected the whole Central Asian region which is why the American thinks that Pakistan is the sole ally that they can rely on. But even if we consider Pakistan to be loyal to finish off the root inside its tribal belts and take out the rest of Taliban’s miscreants out of Waziristan and FATA region it will not succeed to finish off Talibanisation which has network inside Pakistan own Secret Services ISI & MI, who have deep sympathy for Taliban’s for instance Hamid Gul the former ISI chief who was involved creating the radical force known as Taliban in the 1980 Soviet invasion of Afghanistan.

Pakistan maybe called devoted to crush the force of Taliban but to what measure, the Taliban are flourishing inside the tribal belts of Pakistan although American forces are trying to resist the Talibanisation of Waziristan with aerial bombardment through drone missiles but still the Taliban have succeeded to succumb Pakistan’s civilian government to their demands when they applied Sharia laws inside the region which were under their control and prior to this in the Presidency of Parvez Musharaf the Talibanic forces were given free hand to prosper inside South & North Waziristan under the agreement that they wont be touched if they cooperate with the Government.

Even the recent visit of Mr. Robert Gates Defense Secretary of United States didn’t proved to be subjected putting pressure over Pakistani Government, one perquisite up point came when Mr. Gates said that “Dividing these individual extremist groups into individual pockets if you will is in my view a mistaken way to look at the challenge we all face, because many American officials believe that Pakistan has been distinguishing between the other Taliban group for they are unwilling to go after those who they see as a future proxy against Indian interest in Afghanistan after Americans leave”. The biggest problem which is being seen today that Pakistan is not sincere in the war against terrorism because if it is than there are no sign of any improvement inside the tribal belts of N.W.F.P and now even the CIA has reshaped a new plan to expand the drone strike in Balochistan.

Balochistan as being rich in mineral resources and has the largest coastal belt in Central Asia has been seen going on under severe fierce battle in which the secular Baloch guerrilla groups are fighting for their salvation, As they call themselves taken forcefully by Pakistan and the illegal annexing of Balochistan as a part of illegitimate body of Pakistan. The Central Intelligence Agency may want to include the Balochistan capital city Quetta as their new target point for suspected Taliban or Al- Qaeda top most leaders but CIA should also take notice of what the civic population of Balochistan has to say about the drone strikes and should take secure measures to diminish Taliban forces, should also look into matters that Pakistani government already rejected the drone strikes inside Balochistan and reasoned that it will be against the sovereignty of Pakistan but Pakistan on the other hand is supporting the Talibanisation of Balochistan to counter the Baloch nationalism who are struggling for National Liberation. The flourishing of Talibanic Quetta Shura was done under the authorization of Pakistani secret services who knows where these top leaders are hiding and where the origin of Talibanisation is coming from.

First thing the authority in Washington should do is to get the audit of the aids Pakistan has been bestowed with, $3 billion in military aid last year and prior in the Obama administration has spent hefty amount on Pakistani Paramilitary forces (FC) in military aiding to stop the border accessing of Pakistan But no better result were shown, Even NATO supply trucks are being targeted by the Governmental Forces to put pressure on American officials to launch an oppressive operation against Baloch nationalist which is all planned up by the Pakistani official secret services to crush the Baloch nationalism which is going on as a secular and democratic movement enshrined in the UN charter.  

The news of donating dozen of spy drones to Pakistan is just the start, in which Pakistan will not only use these spy drones on the Baloch resistance movement but will crush the nationalism and also the nationalist forces but no harm would come to the Taliban’s residing in Balochistan, because Pakistan has a soft heart for Taliban. The military aid in this time of Obama administration the donation of F16 fighter jets & Cobra Helicopter to Pakistani military to counter the Taliban insurgency in the stronghold that is South Waziristan will never be used against any of the terrorist forces but they will be utilized against Baloch nationalist forces for instance the killing of Nawab Akbar Khan Bugti & Balach Khan Marri were all done using the military aid giving to Pakistan.

American officials should understand this also that in the Presidency of Parvez Musharaf striked a deal with the Britain government to extradite the top most Baloch Leader Hyarbiyar Marri, Faiz Baloch & several other Baloch Nationalists who were secular in their terms to work for the ongoing situation of Balochistan which became worse because of military operation on the civilian population of Balochistan against the 2006 transatlantic aircraft plot key operative Rashid Rauf, one can say how deceiving this deal was to extradite two secular minded person with terrorist like Rashid Rauf. The donation of these spy drone missiles will become disaster once they were used against secular Baloch nationalist because Pakistan won’t let the Baloch nationalism so easily because they are the main threat to Pakistan excluding Taliban as they are working under the leadership of Pakistan military.

In the recent visit Mr. Gates was questioned whether the CIA would expand the drone strike further in Balochistan, His answer was “silence” which let many people wondering what would be the next strategy of United states because if the drone strikes are expanded to Balochistan than maybe Pakistan will direct the targets of these drones to Baloch nationalist as they are the biggest menace and if they did succeed than it will bring anti-Americanism in the hearts of secular Balochs, which will blow the American support in the Baloch society and certainly American would not want that to happen because Pakistan is already on its verge of destruction and only the Baloch are left as being trustful and loyal as being totally secular.

Helping Pakistan would not bring terrorism on its knees but it will make the roots of terrorism stronger because Pakistan is the source from where all these terrorist forces have raised up, To overcome these radical forces American have to take interest in small but trustful nation like Baloch nation because Pakistan will not dismantle Taliban and neither is loyal to this war on terrorism because if it is than the Taliban wouldn’t have gotten chance to flourish inside Pakistan that they could mingle any where they like from Tribal belts of N.W.F.P to Quetta its hard to believe that the Paramilitary Forces being aided by United States to stop the encroachment of Taliban has failed to do so which is a sheer sign that Taliban are presented by Pakistan and its military coup and if the donation of these spy drones will make Pakistan to counter the Talibanic forces than American forces should keep records of these spy drones as where these drones are being used because it is their priority and if they are misused and were utilized against Baloch nationalist forces than America should take action against Pakistani policies as they should have done earlier.

The new administrative government of President Barrack Obama should consider new policy regarding Pakistan because giving military aid to Pakistan and succumb under the pressure of Pakistan, allowing the donation of spy drones will make the situation worse for America to gain more coalition partners as not only India but Baloch nation will become tensed once the transfer of these spy drones are done because if Pakistan had made a wish list in which there it defined particulars which they require on the ongoing war on terrorism and if this wish list is considered by United States than the future damage will be on United States as it is already being seen and analyzed that Taliban are gaining ground to acquire the Nuclear weapons of Pakistan.

Even before the transfer of spy drones they Pakistani military leadership in meetings on Thursday asked “Mr. Gates to give them their own armed drones to go after the militants, not just a dozen smaller unarmed ones that Mr. Gates announced as gifts meant to placate Pakistan and induce its cooperation”. Pakistan with the slogan of help and donation in military to crush the militancy inside its regional border is just a mockery to overcome the obstacle they face today in the face of Baloch resistance & Indian pressure after Mumbai attack. This all disillusioned facts will become worse once United States considered other demands of Pakistan military leadership because it will be the end of secularism and democracy inside Central Asia or maybe Balochistan as today this region and the inhabitants who are resisting will be crushed with the US supplied warheads which will end the coalition allies, whom America desperately needs in this time, because Baloch nation can and will try to stop the advancement of Talibanisation inside Balochistan once it is funded or even supported by United States.

Email: diagoh@yahoo.com