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The need of the hour for NATO forces in Afghanistan.

 By: Khan Jan Baloch

Sunday, February 21, 2010



Any human being with five senses, including his sixth sense, knows very well that the mischievous, black-mailing and double policy of Pakistani Military and their politicians - who share with the lucrative business of exporting terrorism - shall never end until the day of resurrection.
 The double policy of Pakistani military to save their assets - Afghani Taliban’s - is reaching to the astonishing point. The boiling point of the shameful attitude of Pakistani military has reached with the package of ultimatum to NATO forces to include Pakistan to settle the Taliban problem in Afghanistan.
 The recent arrests of top Taliban leaders from Karachi are a solid proof that Pakistan is directly involved in Afghanistan to bleed the NATO forces and Afghan forces in Afghanistan. On the other hand, the civil government of Pakistan is loudly propagating that if Pakistan is not included to interfere in the Afghani political scenario, NATO forces shall be doomed. Pakistan is now, involving itself in the war on "Mariah" in Helmand Province of Afghanistan. The trained forces of Pakistani Army, along with the elements of "Pastern of Iran" and the trained Commandos of Pakistani Lashker Taiba and many other terrorist groups, are being shifted from Quetta, Balochistan to Marja Town, with great secrecy.
 The assault on Maraja by NATO forces and the open direct support to Talibans in Marja, by Pakistani ISI, can be resulted to the dooms-day either for Taliban’s or for NATO forces. May be, NATO forces shall face complete defeat by prolonging the war in Marja and by following the guide-lines of Pakistani Generals who are deceiving them as usual with their double policy. Americans and other western countries have been kept in dark and Pakistani Thugs are exploiting their honesty and, now, Nato forces must look and discover other alternatives to defeat the forces of evils - Pakistani Military, Irani Pasdarans and their allied countries like Saudi Arabia, China and others.
 The best policy is to concentrate on the right things. NATO/ISAF forces should not get dictations from Pakistani ISI. NATO forces should sleep well as regards the destabilization of Pakistan. Marja town should be encircled by NATO forces to cut the supplies of arms to Pakistani and Afghani Taliban’s from Pakistan and Iran. Civilians of Marja city should be encouraged to leave the town and they should be helped by U.N. in refuge camps in Afghanistan. Then it shall be easy to target and expel the foreign Talibans (Pakistani trained Commandoes) from Marjah !!!
 Pakistani Military has established many camps on Durrand-line in Pakistan which shall certainly help Pakistan to shuttle Talibans to Marjah Town and send weapons and receive the assets - Afghani Talibans. Such camps should be kept in eagle’s eye and be destroyed to stop the Pakistani fight in Afghanistan.
 The important subject to save Afghanistan from Pakistani slavery and dominance is to carry the war in the heart-land of Pakistan i.e. in Punjab and must safeguard the right of self-determination of Balochs, Pashtuns, Gilgit-baltistan, Sindhis and Jinna-peers. At this juncture, Pakistani forces have increased their atrocities on Balochs in Balochistan and are committing the heinous crimes against humanity in Balochistan.
 The process of Pakistani Militaries` atrocity continues since 1948 when Baluchistan was occupied, when a part of Kashmir was occupied, Gilgit-baltistan was brought under Pakistani Military boots and Pakhtuns, Sindhis and Bengalis were brutally silenced. The question arises whether the real power to run Pakistani States lies under the people of Pakistan. No, neither Pakistani citizens nor their civil Governments has/had any power nor in future they shall be empowered to run the affairs of the Pakistani State. In the real sense.... " Pakistan belongs to the Military - Pakistan is for military. Pakistani Military is interested for the soil of Pakistan & needs not the citizens of Pakistan." Pakistani Military can’t take a u-turn from their present policies because they have to pay and feed a military, police, security guards and various
 other terrorist organisations which exceed the number of about one million. The syndicate of Pakistani Military business Corporation - Core Commanders of G.H.Q. Rawalpindi - steals the milk from the bottles of babies of Pakistani public and kills their own citizens, and the citizens of their neighbourhood i.e. Afghans and Indians to enable themselves to sustain a large army to terrorize the whole world including the NATO forces in Afghanistan.
 The Civilian Governments of Pakistan, installed by ISI, are the show-business to collect funds, weapons and further deceive the western world. The thugs from Pakistan ` planned to betray the whole world in the - "London Conference about Afghanistan. In the fake promise of reconciliation, Pakistani Thugs tried to be involved with their tactics of double policy i.e. to get funds and distribute it to their assets (Taliban’s). It’s a Pakistani tactic to get "time-out" to bleed NATO forces in Afghanistan in the foreseeable period.
 The neighbouring countries, which are really with Allied forces, with Afghan citizens, like India & others, are being kept away from Afghanistan. India is a country which shall turn the Pakistani tables in Afghanistan. India endeavours to construct Afghanistan but Pakistan continues to destruct Afghanistan. One must open their minds. The freedom of Balochistan and Sindh should be the pivotal policy of NATO forces to completely succeed the strategy to save Afghanistan from the brutal wishes of Pakistan (Talibans).
 Balochistan was occupied by Pakistan in 1948 and since then Balochs are striving to get their legitimate right to be free. Think, if the British had handed over Afghanistanin 1947 to Pakistan, were Afghans blamed to be terrorists if they had struggled for an Independent Afghanistan?
 Justice must be done with Baluchs to hand-over them their land.... Free Baluchistan. It’s crystal clear that if injustice is done to Balochs, the cruel Muslim Punjabi military Gods of Pakistan shall commit more dreadful injustice & crimes against the ethnic minorities of both Pakistan and Afghanistan. The fascist and thug Pakistani Generals, bureaucrats and pro-military politicians shall never create peace in South Asia because war provides oxygen to Pakistani military and it’s a mega business to the war lords of Afghanistan and the Military Generals of Pakistani military.
 The only way to the stability of Afghanistan is to ....stop genocide of Baluchs in both Pakistani occupied Balochistan and Irani occupied Balochistan. Expel Pakistani Army and FACT. From Balochistan. To stop to genocide in Balochistan, Balochistan should be declared a no-fly zone for Pakistani and Irani Air forces. United Nations forces/NATO forces should be deployed to save the lives of Balochs from Pakistani atrocities. NATO Jet fighters should take the control of the air-space of Balochistan and the ports of Gwader, Pasni and Jewani should be under the control of NATO forces. The logistic supplies to NATO forces in Afghanistan should be brought from the ports of the Independent Balochistan. A strong Baloch Army should be raised to protect the logistic supplies to Afghanistan, to stop the activities of Talibans on Afar border and to check the infiltration of Pakistani soldiers (Talibans/al- quida) in Afghanistan on Durrand-line.
 This is the only solution to Afghanistan & Balochistan problem. This is the only way to keep stability in South Asia,  Afghanistan and India. The only path to stop the Pakistani Militaries` and Chines expansionist expeditions in Central Asia, Middle-east and last but not the least, the way to save the citizens of the whole Globe to suffer from the hands of Racist & brutal activities of Pakistani ISI.