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Dated 20080803 London

Demonstration against massacare in Dera Bugti of Baloch people

Press Release

A demonstration was held on 03 August by Balochistan Action Committee (UK) in collaboration with World Sindhi Congress (WSC) in front of 10 Downing Street.  The protest was organised to condemn the recent horrendous crimes of Pakistan military against innocent civilian Baloch people.  Baloch, Sindhi and other human rights activists from all over the UK came to show their solidarity with Baloch people and their democratic struggle. The rally was addressed by Waja Akbar Barakzai, Samad Baloch, Khaled Langou (member of National party's central committe), Mir Hussain Baloch, Rahim Bandovi, Jamshed Amiri, Tariq Subra,Mir Mehrab Sarjovi, Ahmad Hooti and Lakhu Luhana. The speakers in their deliberations strongly condemned the vicious crimes of Pakistan military. They mentioned that scores of innocent civilians who could not flee, mostly children, women and elderly have been killed using chemical weapons. Pakistan army’s heinous crimes did not stop there. They have not even handed over the bodies of killed to their relatives and have been dumping these in the mass graves. The reason is that if they handover the bodies the world will know that they have used phosphorus bombs and the killed are children, women and elderly. Hundreds of Houses have been burnt and thousands have been forced to leave their homes to save their lives. The human catastrophe in Balochistan was considered of the dimensions of  Darfur and Kosovo. The speakers demanded from the international community to intervene to stop the genocide of Baloch people.  The speakers reiterated the killing of innocent Balochs will increase the resentment and resolve of Baloch people to get freedom from the yoke of Pakistani slavery.  Towards the end of the rally a petition was submitted to the British Prime Minster by Mir Khalid Langho and Dr Haleem Bhatti to request his urgent intervention and assistance to stop these heinous crimes against Balochs

LONDON 20080803