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Tuesday, July 20, 2010,
‘’Rule in hell is better than bow in paradise,,


K.A. Baloch  Tuesday, July 20, 2010
In order to lead a good life man should live in obey the State. But political obligation always subject with the factor of moral adequacy of state and the consent of people. But the both important elements are missing in Iran and Pakistan in such situation right to resistance should be substituted by the duty to disobey, to resist political authority in the event of cruel necessity, a revolt against the abuse of political authority is justified against the twin States, cogent reason is that it is sanctioned by the force of public conscience of Baloch Nation as whole. Political obligation without the element of consent and hypothetically social contract on which the entire structure of political obligation is rest, in the absence of all these elements In Iran and Pakistan the Baloch people is not bound to obey the coercion authority of them. People are the maker of state; both are banana and theocratic Republics. Which does not meet the needs of 21th century; it would be relevant to mention here that the fundamental laws preambles which are based on medieval, Islamic injunction enshrined and flawed jurisprudence and a significant numbers of substantive provisions, which are derived from draconian laws, are incorporated in Iran and Pakistan constitutions. On account of which dogmatism emerged, as a menace. Due to bigotry culture, in referred States the minority are suffering and facing hardship, Shias and Ahmadi’s are being persecuted in Pakistan while Sunni are not freed from the rage and fury of Shias. Baloch are an ethnic Nation as well as Sunni minority and their motherland and resources have been forcibly annexed. None of them are democrat countries. All institutions are under minded by the security establishments. Rather the armies of both states are milbus. Politician and parliaments are subordinate and puppet to them. Under this environment fighting for the cause of emancipation from alien yoke, Baloch could not get liberty by constitutional methods because Iran and Pakistan are not secular and democratic countries  like Western and European, namely Britain, France and United State. The policies of both States are being formulated by security establishment. In this spirit no other option is lift for Baloch except to employ and adapt the methods of resistance. Since, without the consent of Baloch and not being a signatory of any social contract in building of Iran and Pakistan States. Wrong done by the Pakistan and Iran States of such serious nature it’s self demands resistance rather than obligation. In such situation, Question arises whether we Baloch should blindly to worship the authorities of Pakistan and Iran. Under the prevailing environment and ground it would be justified to Baloch do not be obedient because the both referred States without the consent of Baloch invaded and occupied their native and motherland forcibly, hence the Baloch has locus standi to resist and restore the original position their land. In this direction the International law, norms and other many resolutions were adapted by United Nation.
By virtue of which the deprived Nations are entitled to struggle for their liberation and independence. Especially the resolution of 7 December 1987 is a milestone for deprived Nations. Which even jealously safe guard’s the movement of the right of self determination, freedom and independent. Also the referred resolution distinguished the boundary line of National liberation movements and terrorism.