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Oslo Sunday, June 06, 2010

Condolence reference for Abdulhameed Rigi   

Baloch Community of Norway

The baloch community of  Norway held  a condolence reference in Norway on 6th June 2010 in respect of extra judicial  killing and execution of Abdul Hameed Rigi.  the Baloch community of  Norway paid tributes  to Abdulhameed Rigi and declared him as a martyr because   has  sacrificed himself for a noble cause also condemned the  execution of  Rigi. Wherein an unanimously resolution was adopted in this spirit.
In the eye of international law the execution of Abdul Hameed Rigi is absolutely an act of international terrorism. Reasons are that, when a state is involved in the act of terrorism, directly or indirectly for fulfillment of certain objectives, may be a matter of policy.
The act of Iran state in execution of Abdul Hameed Rigi is a clear cut state terrorism, the aim and objective of Iran state is to discourage and exterminate the genuine national liberation movement of Western Balochistan and warn the rest of other Baloch political activists and cadres to learn lesson in execution of Hamed Rigi and thousands of other baloch genocide which has always been a weapon agonist oppressed nation. Abdulhameed Rigi was not a terrorist rather he was a prominent and nationalist leader of Baloch Libration Movement. So far as irresponsible statement of extremist, fundamentalist and reactionary Ahmadi nejad is concerned he alleged that Abdulmalik Rigi is a terrorist, we Baloch vehemently condemned and refuted it. It is rubbish, while Abdulmalik Rigi is a prominent and popular Baloch nationalist leader, his struggle is for the liberation of Balochistan independent.
Unfortunately the baloch land was divied in three parts by the british imprealist in the name of gold smith and durent lines namely in Iran, Pakistan and Afghanistan respectively . Nowaday the intensity of Baloch Liberation Movements in Eastern and Western Balochistan ( Pakistan and Iran ) are in its in peak. Hence the both rogue and terrorist states are illigaly arresting, torturing and detaining the Baloch poeple, enforced disapearence , extra judicial  killing, kidnapping and genocide of  Baloch in Iran and Pakistan are order of the day, in the hands of securities establishment and intelligence agencies.
 The Baloch genocide and non-intervention of international community shacked the entire worlds conscience. But the silence, negligence  and measirable behavior of internatilnal community especially, United Nations and Western civilized countries in itself questionable under international law, because Iran and Pakistan have grossly violated the human rights and fundemantal freedoms.
They even do not bother the international law and united nation charter and other international conventions and covenants. Both are irresponsible, terrorist and nuclear states are flagrantly violating international law and norms. The following international convenants, and conventions are being raped by them.
International covenant and economics, social and culture rights (1966): international covenant and civil and political rights (1966): international convention on suppression and punishment of crime of apartheid, convention against torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment of punishment(1984) and second optional protocol to the international convention civil and political rights, aiming at the abolition of death penalty.
According to referred convention for the protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms 1950.that: (a) everyone’s’ right to life, liberty and security of person: (b) freedom from slavery and servitude, ( c) freedom from arbitrary arrest and detention, (d) the right to fair trail by an independent and impartial tribunal, ( e) the right to be presumed innocent until proved guilty. ( f) freedom of movement and residence (g) the right to nationality, freedom of thought, conscience and religion, h) freedom of opinion and expression, the right to vote and to participate in government ( Iran),( j) the right to work, the right of adequate standard of living, (k) the right to education,(l) the right to participate in the cultural life of community ( Iran). Have been curbed and ruined by Iran and Pakistan.
The Iran state has also violated second optional protocol to the international covenant on civil and political rights, aiming at the abolition of death penalty.
In spite of that Abdulhameed Rigi was executed by ruthless, fascist, fundamentalist and orthodox state and violated human dignity and hanged him to death openly in a public place in a contemptuous manner. It would be reasonable to point out here that both the states Iran and Pakistan are theocratic states. Unfortunately in 21th century religion is not yet been separated from politics. The atrocity of Iran is unbridled but the international community deliberately ignoring the awesome atrocity of Iran.
Similarly the cruelty and atrocity of Pakistan with Eastern Balochistan is also inhuman and terrifying. The extra judicial killing of Nawab Akbar Khan Bugti, Balach Mari, Gholam Mohammad Baloch, Lala Munir, Rasulbakhsh mengal,  Sher Mohammad and thousands others are tremendous precedents. The Pakistani army has indiscriminately bombarded the civilian population due to which more than five thousands innocents souls have been eliminated including women and children, eighty five thousand Mari and Bugti Baloch were displaced, their houses have been destroyed nowadays they are refugees in Sind and other areas of Balochistan, Said Red Cross report.
 Recently the atrocity of Pakistan army and paramilitary forces escalated the range of bombardment up to Makkoran coast. There is sever military operation on going in Makkoran nemly Gwadar, Turbat and Panjgur. The inhabitants of above mentioned areas have migrated from their home town to somewhere else. The arms forces are circumscribed and encircled the entire Makkoran Division. Innocents’ people are in hot water, in lakes and springs of waters the military has purred poisons. In pakistan More than four thousands innocent persons has been enforced disappearance and missingthe farmer interior minister Sher pao has admitted the figure in a press conference. Their relatives have launched hanger strike on the front of various press clubs and also knocked the doors of apex court of Pakistan for seeking justice, but all in vain.  Although during the restoration movement of judges the chief justice of Pakistan on various occasion pledged that after the restoration the enforced disappearance Baloch to be release but the chief justice did not compliance his commitment, where as the Baloch people have a great expectations from him
                     Keeping in view the above mentioned facts and circumstances, it would be the bounded responsibility and obligation of world community to intervene and stop the ethnic cleansing of baloch in Iran and Pakistan on the grounds of new era norms of humanitarians intervention, and it is appealed to the security council, Western and Europeans civilized countries, particularly to USA to declare Iran and Pakistan as terrorist states according to international law. Intervention measures to be taken against Iran and Pakistan on the same modus operandi which were applied and adapted in East Timor and Kosovo.
Baloch Community of Norway
6th June 2010