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JERUSALEM (CNN) — Israel started its biggest emergency drill in the nation’s history Sunday to prepare civilians, soldiers and rescue crews for the start of war, the defense force said in a statement.

The five-day drill, nicknamed Turning Point 3, comes amid the nation’s rising tensions with Iran.

It will be conducted in public facilities, including schools, military bases and government offices. Students, soldiers and other civilians will practice how to gather at protected places during an emergency.

Officials said the drill will include simulated rockets, air raids and other attacks on infrastructure and essential facilities, and use of weapons on civilians.

Everyone is expected to go to a protected place at the sound of sirens, the defense force said, adding that more instructions will be broadcast on a public channel.

“It is of great importance that every civilian, institute and workplace will seriously practice in order to improve our preparedness and national resilience,” Maj. Gen. Yair Golan of the Home Front Command said in a news statement.

The move comes amid tension between Israel and Tehran.

The Israeli government considers Iran’s nuclear program as the dominantthreat facing the country.
Israel is publicly supportive of President Barack Obama administration’s outreach to the Islamic state.

Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak told Israeli Army Radio last week that he believes “that the chance the dialogue has of stopping Iran’s nuclear efforts is very low.”

Barak’s views are keeping with the majority of his countrymen.

An Israeli poll released this month found that 74 percent believe that the U.S. policy of engagement with Iran will fail and 81 percent think Iran will develop a nuclear weapon capability.

Israel has conducted emergency drills the past two years, but officials said this is the biggest so far as the Nation starts to get ready for war with Iran.

To The Baluch Nation:

Is the Baloch Nation ready to capture Baluchistan; The Persian checkpoints, government offices, military and army bases, installations? The time is closer then ever for our nation to start its first major phase of unity ever.
The Baloch Nation must not allow another regime change and must capture Baluchistan and must be able to declare it as a free independent state, it would be a big disappointment if Baloch people started robbing Banks like the 73 Khomeini era where the nation could have freed itself from the chains of the evil Iran.
The time has come and in a few months we can expect a full blown war against the regimes of ayatollahs and the unstable state of terror we known as Iran for over 80 years of dictatorship and destruction against
the Baloch Nation.

Our biggest call for our nation to raise hopes and our key people to prepare the people for a revolt against the occupiers when the war starts. We now know the KURDISH are fully ready but are the BALOCH ready?

Do the BALOCH want to remain slaves of Persians for another 100 years or do they want FREEDOM?

If you choose freedom; you must make sure you area ready and your fellow Baloch brothers should follow the same code of conduct and must prepare themselves for freedom; its time to self rule and not be judged, destroyed and ruled upon but a bunch of alien invaders!