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 Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Iran's Right To Have Nuclear Weapons : Mushahid Hussain

اسلام آباد میں پاکستان مسلم لیگ ق کے جنرل سیکریٹری مشاھد حسین نے نیم رسمی ایرانی حکومتی نیوز ایجنسی خبرگزاری فارس کےنمائیندہ سے
گفتگوکرتےھوئے کہا ایران کے ایٹمی منصوبہ کا خیرمقدم کرتے ھیں اور ایران کا ایٹمی منصوبہ کی کامیابی عالم اسلام کی جیت ھے۔ انہوں نے
کہا کہ پاکستان کو بھی ایرانی ایٹمی منصوبوں کی حمایت کرنی چائیے۔

 Mushahid Hussain, The Secretary-General of PML (Q) in an interview with Fars News Agency correspondent in Islamabad described the Iran nuclear energy as the right of Iran to defend itself from its enemies, he added that Iran had promised that it will take the doubts raised by islamic countries and western countries including the USA over its nuclear program as it seems that nuclear iran is not so easily accepted by the said countries.

He added that Super powers and other powerfull countries don't wish to see nuclear Iran along with other islamic countries who are trying to achieve nuclear programs for themselves as it will losen their grip over the region. Mushahid Hussain Secretary-General PML(Q) stated all the islamic countries including pakistan should support Iran to progress through its nuclear program as it is the right of Iran.

He mentioned that the rules and regulations which are followed by international community over the nuclear programs and achievement of nuclear technology are very much not accepted as it is the right of every country in todays situation to do what is best for them so to defend their region more accurately.

Mushahid Hussain also stated that Iran approach to nuclear technology has reached so far that it has been helping them out to gain more knowledge over the new found technology of nuclear programs. He asserted his appreciation over the technology drift of Iran.

He added that there is nothing wrong to achieve Nuclear technology for peacefull purposes and used to gain knowledge over the technology as it will be good for the countries development to a good extent.

The secretary general of PML(Q) when asked about the visit to participate in the conference Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty "NPT" in America to which he answered that "Ahmadinejad's view point was a positive step as he sought to protect the right of Iran's nuclear program as totally being drafted for peacefull purpose"

He also mentioned that countries who wish to not expand their nuclear technology in the most latent way ignored the United Nations disarmament program and has repeadly worked over their nuclear achievement which is itself very much shocking.

He continued by stating that the worlds super power with nuclear weapons have their exclusive right reserved for themselves and know how to defend their country and use their nuclear energy for themselves but why their is so much restriction over Iran's nuclear technology program as it is also for peacefull purpose and for the good of Iranians, in his views he said it is a disturbing practice that would leave negative effects over other islamic countries as only the islamic countries are condemned.

PML (Q) Secretary-general added that United States has not only have problem with Iran but with other islamic countries also who are enthusiastic to acquire nuclear technology, with this kind of envious reaction towards the islamic countries the United State will face a stiff opposition. In the last he mentioned that all the islamic countries should put pressure over the nuclear disarmament program and the restriction over Iran for the the defense of Islamic and western values with all their strength.



89/02/15 - 17:03



دبيركل حزب مسلم ليگ پاكستان در گفت‌وگو با فارس

ايران هسته‌اي اميدي براي كشورهاي اسلامي است

خبرگزاري فارس: دبيركل حزب مسلم ليگ پاكستان شاخه قائد اعظم با بيان اينكه كشورهاي مسلمان بايد متحد و از برنامه هسته‌اي ايران حمايت كنند، گفت كه ايران هسته‌اي اميدي براي كشورهاي اسلامي است.


"مشاهد حسين " دبيركل حزب مسلم ليگ پاكستان شاخه قائد اعظم در گفت‌وگو با خبرنگار خبرگزاري فارس در اسلام آباد، دست يافتن ايران به انرژي هسته‌اي را حق اين كشور دانست و اظهار .داشت: ايران هسته‌اي نويدي براي كشورهاي اسلامي است و كشورهاي غربي از جمله آمريكا، ايران هسته‌اي را به راحتي قبول نمي‌كنند
.وي افزود كه كشورهاي قدرتمند به منظور حاكميت بر منطقه، فناوري هسته‌اي را حق انحصاري خود مي‌دانند و آنها نمي‌خواهند كه كشورهاي اسلامي به تكنولوژي هسته‌اي دست يابي كنند
.دبيركل حزب مسلم ليگ شاخه قائد اعظم در ادامه سخنان خود تصريح كرد: بايد همه كشورهاي اسلامي از جمله پاكستان از حق ايران حمايت كنند
.وي خاطرنشان كرد: فناوري هسته‌اي و دسترسي به آن از نظر جامعه بين‌المللي و قوانين پذيرفته شده جرم محسوب نمي شود بنابراين دست يافتن به اين علم، حق هر كشوري است
.مشاهد حسين گفت: كشوري كه خودش به تنهايي به اين فناوري رسيده نه تنها قابل تقدير است، بلكه بايد براي رشد اين دانش به وي كمك شود
.وي افزود: ايراني‌ها هرگز نگفته‌اند كه به ساخت سلاح اتمي دست خواهند زد بلكه بارها تأكيد كرده‌اند كه از اين علم فقط براي مقاصد صلح آميز استفاده خواهند كرد
اين مقام ارشد حزب مسلم ليگ شاخه قائد اعظم درباره سفر رئيس جمهور ايران براي شركت در كنفرانس " ان پي تي " در آمريكا نيز گفت: سفر احمدي نژاد يك گام مثبت براي دفاع از حق برنامه .صلح آميز هسته‌اي ايران بود
.وي خاطرنشان كرد: كشورهايي كه نمي‌خواهند فناوري هسته‌اي ايران رشد كند، خود داراي سلاح اتمي هستند و بارها پيشنهاد خلع سلاح سازمان ملل را رد كرده‌اند
مشاهد حسين افزود: قدرت‌هاي هسته‌اي جهان داشتن سلاح اتمي را يك حق انحصاري براي خود مي‌دانند و از آن براي حاكميت بر كشورها استفاده مي‌كنند و اگر آنان حق داشتن انرژي هسته‌اي .صلح آميز براي ايران را رد كنند، اين يك عمل نگران كننده است كه اثر منفي بر كشورهاي اسلامي خواهد گذاشت
دبيركل حزب مسلم ليگ شاخه قائد اعظم يادآور شد: آمريكا تنها با ايران مشكل ندارد، بلكه هر كشور اسلامي اگر تلاش كند كه به فناوري هسته‌اي دست يابد، با مخالفت شديد آمريكا مواجه خواهد .شد
.وي خاطرنشان كرد: كشورهاي اسلامي بايد در مقابل فشار غربي ها به خاطر دفاع از تمام ارزش‌ها و مقدسات اسلامي مقاومت كنند

