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Sunday, May 16, 2010




Central Vice Chairperson of BSO (azaad) Ms. Karima Baloch Puts Forwards Her Suggestions for Single Revolutionary Party.  Radio Gwank

Translated By Archen Baloch

***When we analyses the current situation of Balochistan, even in 21 century we find that Baloch are living a slave life. Baloch, from all walks of life, our youths elderly men, women, all are shackled into a bandage living by Pakistani and Iranian states. Unfortunately we have not yet decided what we should be doing in the coming new era, when we talk about liberation of our nation; there some Wajkaars (privileged ones) say Baloch nation is not yet ready for freedom. But then, the question arises; whose it is responsibility to work and organize Baloch nation for freedom?  With this attitude, no nation gets its freedom, when there is no one to lead it. We succeed only when our nation has a program based on scientific principles and pursuit it resiliently. Now rises the question of a revolutionary party: today our enemy confronting us with multiple conspiracies, not only it is engaged to dilute Baloch culture, language and society, but also it has destroyed our economy.  Single party is the demand of every serious nationalist person, given the situation; the important of a single party signify itself. But Before moving towards such a program, we have to determine the pros and cons of the single party for our nation. First of all we should recognize it that our history is littered with dismay, corruption, vested interests, and split ups. There is a saying in Balochi language that 'once bitten by a snake, a man is always afraid of rope'.  We should not make such an emotional decision, which gives us more harm, than benefit to our nation. We can see that Pakistani state is looting and plundering our national resources, since the day of the occupation.  And we can see that Pakistani state drops bombs on our student cultural programs. But Such things are not new to us. And our innocent girls are being acidified by this uncivilized and uncultured state. In such circumstances' we all are feeling the urge of a revolutionary single party, a lot of people say that Baloch National Front possesses the importance of a single party status. But on the other hand, it is to recognize that all around the world that a national party is far more important than a political alliance. If we advance the demand of the single party, the logic of a single revolutionary party justify itself most of all and the ultimate goal of the political revolutionary party is the achievement of national liberation. Its mission and programs would be clean. Therefore, before laying the foundation of a single party, the parliamentary politics of enemy camp should be buried under the earth hundred meters deep.  The banner of the single party should be an educative symbol for our nation to respite under it, So that the single party itself would make the nation mindful of its slavery. If we go back to our history, we see there have been a lot of alliances and formation of different political parties, and then they ended up into small different friction and splinter groups.  The Specter of "ago and intolerance" prevailed over Baloch politics. We should recognize it that egotism exists in Baloch national psyche. Therefore, in the time of forming the single party, the egotism's unripe politics should be removed from Baloch political society, there was a time when our political leaders, Nawab khair Baksh Marri, Nawab Akber Bugti, Sardar Ataula khan Mengal,  Gaus Baksh BEzango Dr Abdul Hae all were united.  It is not a secret to all us. The experience has proved that in Baloch politics. It is said that leader struggle for his public, but here things are different.  our leaders  have played politics with our nation. The Formation of a single national party cannot be confined only to laborers, serfs, Doctors, teachers, .student, lawyers and literary people, because they all are part of the same nation. A nation cannot be described as a single class

 A lot of times, it is often said, by some of our leaders that parliamentary politics is also a part of our struggle. But on the other hand, it is also echoed that what is ?the use of such politics which relate us to Pakistan

When in November 22, 1979 India announces general election in Kashmir, the Hezbul Mujahedeen party boycotts the elections on the standpoint that India wants .to demonstrate to the world that the general public is participating in the elections and it is a part of Indian nation

 In the single national party, those people should be brought forwards, who believe in national liberation. All elements, ways and means of the single .revolutionary party, should be discussed and sort out, and the door to Pakistani parliamentary politics should be closed forever

 When the All Parties Harriett Conference came into being in Kashmir, the voice of the Kashmir people signified.  Then we saw that the head of three armed resistance organizations, Yassin Malik drops the gun and starts participating in political struggle.  We Baloch should decide it before bringing a revolutionary single party into being, whether it should confine itself for launching protest and agitation on streets, or along with it, it support armed resistance organizations. We witnessed that sometimes ago, some pro independent Baloch organizations, **** to agree on a constitution, they announced their unity,*** all political workers and heads of our political parties announce their repentant****. Hence it is necessary for the armed resistance organizations to relate themselves with the revolutionary single political party. So that in the coming days when the armed resistance organizations make such a temporary decision, then there remains no confusion among our public.  And then the responsibility falls on the shoulders of the single party heads to prepare nation for the coming changes.  If BNF .metaphors into a single party, then the armed organizations will also follow the suite

Our intellectuals and Writers are expressing their displeasure about the existence of three different armed resistance organizations. They are right to express their concerns, because when we see the history, such instances of blunder exist.  After gaining the independent, the armed groups, in Angola, still continued their ideologies and programs to run the state. For example, all resistance parties and armed groups retained their existence and continued their program and ideologies, even after gaining the independent and,  stood against each other in a civil war, it ravaged the country. Had they united themselves in a single national .party before the independent, their country would not have been ruined

Therefore, before formulating a strategy for our struggle   we need to keep in view the history of other nations.  We have to do the things today, instead of tomorrow, So that there remains no regret. Before forming the single party, it is necessary for all parties to discuss the single party concept, in dept, within their own circles.  The objective of initiating the debate is, how to prepare ourselves for future events. All strategies should be explored and put in place for any .eventually, when the brutality of the occupying forces increases

At the end, we want to put forwards our suggestions for the formation of the single revolutionary party:

1 - To form the single, we should set up a Majles of Baloch intellectuals, writers, so that they set up all roles and regulations.

2 -**** in first objective of the single party manifesto, it should be clear that no one is allowed to vote. 

3 – This should be clear in the single party manifesto that Pakistani parliamentary politics would never be join, even if a two third majority decides in favor of it.


5 - The single revolutionary party should be affiliated with armed struggle, whichs help to guide each other in a better way.

6 - Nawabs and Sardars, and all other classes of the nation should be called to join the struggle, as soldiers to fulfill the national responsibility for enhancing the .struggle for freedom

7 -   All stock*holders (class) should be allowed to supervise each other's performance so that there a chick and balance system is in place for maintaining stability, .after the formation of the single party

8 - Before the formation of the single party, it is necessary for  the  leadership of the party that they bring revolutionary changes to their personal performances.  .And they purify themselves from all social evils, so that they set an example for the new generation

9 - After the formation of the single party, national representatives/ spokespersons should be elected, around the world, so that they represent Baloch nation.

10 – It is necessary that the single revolutionary party is formed along the lines of universally excepted scientific principles so that this party leads the nation to its .ultimate destiny within the given time.  And it's clear program should be open to public


Dear audience, the main objective of today's program is to start a discussion about single revolutionary party.  We want our program should not confine within this hall room. We urge all our intellectuals, Writers and political workers, present in this hall, to start working for the single party cause in all their Majles and .Dewans


***Notice: Because of the poor quality of the audio clip, this translation is subject to editing.