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March 25. 2010
Unjust Deman
By: Diagoh Murad

The root cause which many find as discrimination inside Baloch society is actually not the means to which this fifth struggle for liberation of Baloch nation is about, if we take profound look over the 62 years of subjugation and forceful annexation, the biggest problem which arises is annihilation of a nation in a systematic way and to achieve its goals the neo-colonial powers have started their campaign work in a more impractical manner. The lawlessness of the region and the Talibanisation of Baloch society is a matter of ignorance by the federating units but a new agenda being the systematical division of Balochistan (Which was earlier parted in 3 different divisions as East, West and South) is now taking place again in this time, Where merely a party comes up with an idea to divide Balochistan in 2 different sections without regarding the views of the Baloch nationalists. The situation is tensed, Baloch are fighting for their survival and federal ministers are consulting such a party whose demand are clear to piece Balochistan for their benefits or for the benefits of the colonial powers who are combating Baloch freedom forces.

The one thing history teaches is “To break a man’s spirit, don’t use force just humiliate him” and thus this example is being applied on Baloch nation as not only they have been suffering from the colonial subjugation but now they face a much worse humiliation the enemy has to offer, the division of their country for which they are fighting for. Although Balochistan was divided earlier in three pieces as East Balochistan illegally occupied by Pakistan, West Balochistan gifted to Reza Shah Pahlavi by the then British Maj. General Goldsmith & South Balochistan occupied or taken by Afghanistan. The partition of Balochistan was the defeat of Baloch unity and this led to the ignorance of the world toward Baloch nation, As East Balochistan achieved its freedom from British Raj on 11 August 1947 about nearly 8 months of its creation as a country in the world map it was occupied forcefully by the Pakistani regime and thus ending its sovereignty state on which Baloch was being proud of, to this day Baloch are fighting to recover their status of being a nation who has the right to live their life with choices they make.

Now in this volatile condition where Baloch have demanded their survival equal to all the nation in this world, a party such as Pakhtunkhawa Milli Awami Party (PKMP) have shown no solidarity while they consider themselves [Pashtun] ethnically being empowered by Punjabi & Baloch, How would this question be justified? This invalid argument by Mehmood Khan Achakzai shows his sincerity against forces working for anti-Baloch propaganda, because Baloch is already a victim in this present state where thousands of Baloch are lost inside the torture cells which are worse than Guantanamo, everyday abduction and target killing has worsen the situation and here a party president talks about his equal rights and merger of half Balochistan in N.W.F.P, how unpleasant and aberrant were the words spoken by Pakhtunkhawa Mili Awami Party (PKMP) representatives regarding the merger of Baloch land in N.W.F.P. Although these commands were kept secret like Pandora’s Box waiting for the right time to open up what has been hidden in so many years under the leadership of Pakhtunkhawa Milli Awami Party.

It is now clear that PKMP though working for the betterment of Pashtun has no solidarity against Baloch suffering as being a party which has majority in Quetta it has no heart feelings for Baloch struggle, Mehmood Khan Achakzai is cashing out what he can by demanding equal rights which is as satisfying the anti-Baloch forces who are always ready to accept anything regarding Balochistan issue. Pashtun being second in majority inside Balochistan are being used by this (PKMP) to confront them with Baloch nation who are busy combating the state forces, these issues were never made when Pashtun and Baloch lived in harmony inside Balochistan but as Baloch struggle touched new heights and gained international coverage, PKMP took the case to protect the rights of Pashtun inside Balochistan while everybody knows that inside Balochistan Pashtun live in their own towns and district while Baloch rules over their own towns and district, the bondage between these two ethnic nation is coming from ages so it is not the case that Baloch would ever suppress Pashtun living in the borders of Balochistan neither do Pashtun sees Baloch as its enemy, but parties like Pakhtunkhawa Milli Awami Party (PKMP) has started to give fuel to this relationship and cast chaos inside Balochistan which is already being burned by the Pakistan state policies.

The division of Balochistan is not acceptable by any means, the three demands formulated by Pakhtunkhawa Milli Awami Party (PKMP) representatives is rubbing salt over the wounds of Baloch nation as these demands were not made by any Pashtun but they are created by non other then the agencies of Pakistan who are busy constructing a plan to sabotage the last struggle for liberation of Baloch nation; According to sources the three demands made public by the committee of Pakhtunkhawa Milli Awami Party (PKMP) states

  1. Mehmood Khan Achakzai in an interview with Dunya TV stated that the Pashtun demand a division of Balochistan and incorporation of Pashtun areas of Balochistan with the North Western Frontier Province (NWFP).
  1. Equal rights in Balochistan with the majority Baloch population because, according to Mehmood Khan, the Pashtun, ironically, are less empowered than the Punjabis and Baloch in the federation of Pakistan.
  1. Third, Senator Abdul Rahim Mandokhel of the PKMP was reported by Independent News of Pakistan (INP) suggesting the renaming of Balochistan as Balochistan Afghania.   

These demands may look specific as being totally generous to a Pashtun but see it through Baloch perspective than these demands will likely be invalid and unacceptable as Balochistan from its history always been the land of Baloch and the people who migrated to Balochistan that is the Afghanis were settled by Pakistani state when the soviet war broke inside Afghanistan. Now these refugees and the representative of PKMP demands equal rights for themselves which is kind of a shocking news as baloch have not succeeded to even have their equal rights in this state where they are regarded as third grade citizens and are colonized by neo-colonial powers like Pakistan. From which side Mehmood Khan Achakzai demands equal rights when he has a keen involvement in politics and have full knowledge of the volatile situation of Balochistan how these demands were setup.

The third demand which is kind of bizarre when talking about the name change of Balochistan, How could Senator Abdul Rahim Mandokhel demand such thing when he has no right to do so. Balochistan as always been what it was in thousands year even the British never put effort over renaming to British Balochistan, As Iran renamed West Balochistan for its contentment as Sistan Balochistan it doesn’t means that it will be accepted. Abdul Rahim Mandokhel didn’t realize that Balochistan represent the cultural and social identity of Baloch nation and Baloch being in majority as the right and choices of their own. The renaming of Balochistan is not the problem of Pashtun but rising of this demand means that PKMP is playing a pawn in the hands of Pakistani agencies for casting chaos in Pashtun and Baloch society. As Baloch nation will never accept this demand and will try to resist it at all cost.

The suggestion to Mehmood Khan Achakzai would be to please kindly elaborate their demands more specifically and be reasonable, being a Pashtun nationalists is a good thing by demanding equal rights for Pashtun but depriving the rights of Baloch nation its like rubbing salt over the wounds. Baloch being in their present state are collecting what ever there is that could profit them but demanding equal rights and renaming of Balochistan might speculate Baloch nation to rethink their options regarding PKMP or Mehmood Khan Achakzai.

This Pashtun nationalist party has never been eligible to perform any duty for Pashtun likewise the bombardment of towns and district of Waziristan and slaughtering of women and children by Pakistani army. This might be accepted by Mehmood Khan Achakzai as he only concern the Pashtun residing inside Balochistan and demands equal rights for them but Pashtun on the other side Which is N.W.F.P are not his concern. PKMP party members, leaders and activists never tasted the torture cells of Pakistani agencies neither Mehmood Khan Achakzai attended any hearing inside the judiciary system of Pakistani Agencies but baloch leadership are wandering inside those dark cells and baloch women and children are under harassment by Pakistani army but Mehmood Khan Achakzai have no concern for humanity he concern to break Balochistan in pieces to please his masters who are negotiating a deal with him.

Conclusion: Baloch nation neither any Pashtun residing inside Balochistan will accept these demands by such a party who represent the mindset of Pakistani agencies where demands come from Islamabad.