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The only solution of afghan problems
By Hafeer Hassanabadi

Apparently America had a big gratitude on Russia by removing its missile shield
program from Eastern Europe, because from the beginning it has been opposing it.
However, there are two main reasons behind it which are generally ignored; no one is
willing to turn the debate towards it and both reasons are related to afghan and
Iraq wars. This was the main reason the America brought changes to its missile
shield deployment program in Eastern Europe. The first reason is that the Americans
are, at the same time, directly engaged in two colossal wars in two countries. These
two wars have rendered the Americans into a difficult position along with its
European allies. So in such circumstances, it has economically become difficult for
them to continue this war further more.
Secondly, quite contrary to the expectations, keeping in view the fact that they
might suffer a disgraceful defeat, the Americans and the allies have all now focused
all their attention towards that issue, so that they could attain a comprehensive
solution to it.
As our debate evolves around Afghanistan issue, therefore, we are going to analysis
its different aspects and dimensions so that we could reach to a solvable result.
It is our believe that there is only one solution to afghan issue, that is, unless
America and the world as well, do not think seriously that angle of the issue, then
they will have to seek different solutions of several issues.
A: Then what should be done with Pakistan, Which is fighting simultaneously for
Talban and its allies through state sponsored terrorism? Now the new statement by
the American government that it does not believe that nobody from Pakistanis
leadership knows, where the Al Qaeda leadership sanctuaries are located, besides
this, previous experiences of two years show that whenever a big operation started,
either it ended up in a failed agreement, or terrorists leadership made the save
escape masterly, despite the tall claims of Pakistani army that they have closed all
escape routes.
B: What should be taken of the Pakistan internal problems, that even under a
democratic government; corruption has broken all known record of previous
governments by 400%.  Who make it sure that the money been given to it for the war
on terror, would not be wasted like the previous ones?
C: What is the solution of different nationalities within Pakistani federation with
which Baloch and Pashtu states were forcefully annexed as a political bribe by the
then  British empire  to safeguard it’ future Interests?  Not only Pakistan has
failed to keep them, but also it has made every opportunity available for Talban and
Al Qaeda to grow in these areas. In Balochistan the Baloch areas are totally free of
their affects, but how one can make it sure that the Baloch areas are not going to
be affected by this cancer in future?
D: What should be the take of the world community about the involvement of Pakistan
in Iranian atomic weapon programs, where it is most probable that Iran would allow
IAEA experts to inspect its atomic installations, but tomorrow, who predicts that it
would not make an excuse and ask the inspectors to leave the country?
E: The Iranian Islamic ideology, under which the Iranian government is established,
is based on the philosophy of ayatollah Khomeini who said that there were two big
Satan in the world - America and soviets union – the Iranian officials are still
describing America as the biggest Satan, yet about the Russia, which is inheriting
the soviets legacy, the Tehran regime has still not taken back its leader words. The
main reason, why Iran is wedged with Russia is obvious because, it has now become
necessary for it to seek a veto wielding power, which could help her out against
Israelis and American pressure in time of need, and alleviate its difficulties.
F: It is now no more a secret that, wherever there is an insurgency in the name of
Islam around the world, the fingerprints of Iranian funding and Pakistani technical
supports are clearly visible. The problem, which has united the entire world against
Islamic extremism, is deep rooted in Pakistan. It is fed and nourished by Iran and
the Islamic extremist elements around the world. Now how this complex formation of
ferocious forces can be unraveled and rendered ineffective, remains to be seen.
G: Both Pakistan and Iran are united not just because of Islamic ideology, but
  because of precious Baloch land, which has compelled them to be united. The
unpredictable grim situation of Pakistan has worried Iran beyond its imagination,
lest Balochistan should break away from Pakistan. If it happened so, then it would
be utterly difficult for Iran to contain its own controlled Balochistan from
breaking away! The same could be said about Pakistan comprehension. If a
"successful" attack on Iran by America or Israel, or a rupture from internal
pressure, would surely slash Iran into different independent nation states. It would
further aggravate the situation in Pakistani controlled Balochistan. Therefore
Pakistan would do every thing to strengthen Iranian position.
One may wonder why we are talking about Iran's nuclear program and the relation
between Pakistan and Iran, while the subject we are here dealing with, is about
Afghan issue. It is very simple, because, I think, unless America and the NATO
remained bogged into Afghan quagmire; they would not be able to exert
considerable/appropriate pressure on Iran. Hillary Clinton is justifiably
apprehensive of Iran speedy nuclear program, "world community has no time to allow
Iran any unlimited grace time".
Therefore, it would be folly of the world community if it allowed conditions,
conducive for Iran to prevail for enhancing its nuclear program.
The above mentioned problems are different from that of Afghanistan internal
countless complexities. The unpopularity of karzai government, widespread
corruption, the existence of widen gulf between Pashtuns and other nationalities,
the vacillation of American and NATO military in decision making, ethical
dilapidation, the increasing power of Talban, the financial bankruptcy of America
and its allies, the reluctant of nations other then the allies to  assume  peace
keeping task,  and above all The lake of an alternative ideology to replace the all
powerful Islamic extremist ideology of Talban  in Afghanistan, (Because only an
ideology  can defeats an ideology, not  the gun)
Here the most worrying factor is that, apart from the Iran's internal revulsion and
its atomic program, the unpopularity of Karzai government and corruption in
Afghanistan as will, all other existing problems are directly or indirectly related
to Pakistan! It means Pakistan is the root cause of all those problems, which have
complicated the afghan war and created problems for America and its allies.
 In such circumstances there remains only two ways to proceed. Firstly, all the
problems should be regarded separately, and be put into separate categories, and
then the solution should be sorted out; which is a time consuming and daunting task.
Each problem must be thoroughly diagnosis and for each a new strategy should be
chalked out. The second is that all attention should be focused on the main sources
of the problem, which is Pakistan.
 But Before focusing all attentions on Pakistan, the question should be kept in
mind why Pakistan is not serious in eliminating the Talban and the Al Qaeda?, What
is its weakness, which is urging it to create problems in Afghanistan, about Which,
afghan president and American officials have often been heard that Pakistani secret
agencies are involved in deteriorating the situation.
 It is our firms believe that unless the Americans and the entire world do not
comprehend the minor fact, the solution of Afghanistan problems and forcing Pakistan
to stop its involvement in it, remains an unattainable desire, and that minor fact
is that Pakistan never wants a prosperous Afghanistan exists next to its door as it
poses a existential threat to it. In the prospect of a prosperous and developed
Afghanistan, the Pashtuns (as they call themselves Afghani) would never want to
remain with another country.
In this scenario, secondly, the Baloch would never relent, unless their identity is
threatened. If  the independent and democratic Afghanistan allowed Baloch( the
Baloch who are living on their own land within afghan federacy)  to enjoy all
democratic and human Rights within its federation, then on the other side of the
border in Pakistani controlled Balochistan, the desire of Baloch people for
independent Balochistan would stirred up, which is already intriguingly fascinating.
One needs to have an exclusive look on it. It is a nightmarish scenario for
Therefore, for Pakistan unless Afghanistan remained ruined, the Durand line would
remain a silent issue. The day the Durand line issue raised and Baloch leadership
and Afghan government successfully presented their point of view about it before the
world community, Pakistan will have to eat the humble pie in abdicating its afghan
areas to Afghanistan and accepting Balochistan as an independent Baloch sovereign
Iran is also in the same boat where it is in accomplice with Pakistan in committing
the genocide of Baloch nation and other nationalities within its orb. By the virtue
of the same Durand line, a large chunk of Baloch land is in its possession where
Baloch are almost all excluded and kept in slavery.
Keeping in view the current situation, Pakistan would not relent in foiling all
those schemes and efforts made to stabilize Afghanistan, unless the world community
grantees it that the Pashtuns would never, in any form, make any demand of
conjoining their ancestral main home land Afghanistan.
And the second grantee is that (Pakistan's seeking) the Baloch would not make any
demand of liberation from Iran and Pakistan.
But no country in the world could meet such demands particularly in circumstances,
when the world have ceased in trusting Pakistan any more! Neither one can trust its
politics nor does anybody trust its economy. Therefore it's seeking the defeat of
America and its allies in Afghanistan forever through its foxy war by using the
jihadist Talban.
Unfortunately it is not hard to conceive that Pakistan, to a great extent, has
succeeded in its design. America and its allies would not be able to continue their
presence any more within two and half years. So far as the question of termination
of Talban and Al Qaeda is concern, , by the virtue of Pakistani operation (the
Talban would mysterly leave the place where the operation is carried out and
thousands of people become homeless as result of bombardments) which, in terms of
results, could be quoted as a worst form of scheming.
Now in such conditions, anyhow, what should be done to remove the permanent Baloch
and Pashtuns sword hanging over Pakistani head? So that it could play an affective
and positive role in the war of terror! There are only two ways of resolving this
question, others are temporary and ineffective.
1- To bring Pakistan to the level of development with any of the developed nations
in Europe, where everyone has a social welfare grantee, no one feels insecure, nor
it has any restriction on crossing borders, neither has it faced any restrictions of
having business, nor one faces any threat to their culture, language, and their
civics social life. Even despite of presence of all these grantees, no one rejects
the possibility the pashtuns will ever abdicate their desire of leaving together.
And nor the Baloch would abandon the demand of an independent homeland.
2- Under the objective of "divide and rule" the British Empire gifted the lands of
different nations to Iran and Pakistan, as if they were their ancestral property.
Now it is imperative upon the British government to rectify the above mentioned
historical blunder, returning back their lands to them. These nationalities should
be allowed to live together according to their past history. So that in case of
utter desperation from Balochistan, Pakistan and Iran would not be able to interfere
in Afghanistan. Or they should be rendered so weaken to an extent, where they would
not be able to pose anything dangerous to Afghanistan stability.
So far as the development of Pakistan is concerned, it is a far off cry, all rulers,
from the first prime minister till the incumbent president, no one ever tried to be
self- reliant. Even in good times the hand with begging bowl has not been so
stretched as its today.
The history of Democracy in Pakistan has never been so radiant. Zulficar Ali Bhutto,
who was regarded as the biggest democrat, has committed the worst form of
undemocratic sin in the history of democracy in the world. It was he who declared
the majority of Bengalese as traitor and forced them to depart their whys. The
rationale behind it was to get rid of them forever. As they were in majority, if not
allowed today, they would come again tomorrow in majority and claim the power be
transferred to them.
The judiciary in this country has also never been a trusted one. 62 years history of
this county bears the witness that the judiciary has always been a congenital slave
of rulers.
In the name of democracy, the democratic institutions and dictators have, and
sometimes together, cold bloodedly murdered the democracy in this country.
Instead of establishing equality among the different nationalities, a relation of
slave and master was molded to run this country. All known social ills, like
lawlessness, bribery, nepotism, bankruptcy, and corruptions are increasingly allowed
to prevail and expand, and the judiciary has become a spectator.
The centre of our debate isn't Pakistan judiciary, so therefore let us put it in a
nutshell, if a man cuts a man hand, he will be punished for it. But those, who cut
off one of Pakistan's arms (Bangladesh), got scout free. No one even dared to expose
the secrets, let alone the punishing them. (The military operation in Balochistan,
genocide of Baloch people, the apathy of judiciary towards it and the disappointment
of people to the judiciary is not included in the debate)
It is the bad luck of this county that all its governmental institutions are in a
worst form of anarchy. Police fed up with military, military fed up with police and
The conditions of civil institutions are worst of all. The worst conditions of
governmental institutions have reached to the extent, that the ruling party has no
trusts in its law enforcing agencies and security institutions to arrest the killers
of their leader, then how a common man would expect justice in this country for
their problems. This is the weakness under which things are getting out of their
control. Just to end a crisis; they have to create a new fabricated one. Then it
becomes a real one with the passage of times.
A country, where its government is unable to bring under control the flour, cooking
oil and sugar mafia for the past 20 months, which is not armed with weapons,  so
how on earth one expects that it would fight the terrorism, drug smugglers, and the
Islamic extremists?
Those who rendered this country in such conditions are still holding the power of
everything, though in different names and different forms. Now expecting from such
people that they would clear all these mess is an utter stupidity, it is as if to
ask someone "take this rope and hang yourself".
Here the thing which proven fatal most of all is the state structure which is
established on the bases of deception of all nationalities and they have been pushed
in a dark alley to hands them up off everything.
A total of 62 years was wasted in rendering the ideologies of G.M Sayad, Pacha Khan
and Sardar Khair Baksh Marri ineffective. In the opposition of the above mentionsed
empty handed leaders, despite of having the facility of billions of dollars and
ample opportunity, This country is still bogged in a quagmire where there is no way
to extract it out of its predicament.
A country for which the survival of its very being is Question number one, how 
much time it requires to come on  par with Swiss lands and Sweden. Talking about it
is just a waste of your time.
In our opinion, neither the world have such a amount of money nor does it has the
time to pull Pakistan out of its predicaments and put it on the path of development
besides fighting the war on terror. And similarly Pakistani rulers seem to have no
wishes to see their country prosperous and happy.
Under current circumstances, Pakistan, because of misdeeds of its rulers, seems to
be a car which is taken to a garage after the impact of a bad accident where it
receive the suggestion, that it is better  to put  this structure in a scrap shop
and sell it parts off one by one. Because the problem is that not only this car is
beyond of repairable, but also it is full of explosives. One has to clear it first
of its explosives, before it is required for any use.
What should be done? Before answering this simple question, a minor point is
necessary to be explained here.  why we are not paying attention to the solution of
afghan problem within it by holding new elections, establishing a temporary
government, deploying the forces of Islamic countries, decreasing or increasing the
American forces or withdrawing them, holding talks with Talban and buying the local
warlords etc, with several such other schemes, but instead, we suggesting the
solution of Afghanistan's internal problems should be sought externally?
I believe that considering the above mentioned all schemes or considering them   
practicable is just a self deception.  Because these are the options which are in
use from the beginning of afghan war till today, by using different names, different
forces and different levels. It all resulted in wastage of time. And the second
thing is that, if all these options are acted upon, then the defeat of allied forces
is writing on the wall. And this is what Pakistan government wants.
Pakistanis are still in an illusion and hoping that if the America decreased its
pressure on it or withdraws itself from the area, then they would struck a deal with
Talban like in past times, this make them able to move the war again into
Afghanistan. And Pakistani rulers as usual, in the name of afghan war and war on
terrorism will continue to black mail the world community, because they have now
adopted this dirty game as a source of income. But they have not the slightest idea
Pakistan is internally a ruins and its vital internal organs are bleeding. They not
only lack, the required ability to push it into Afghanistan but now this war has
become so heavy that they even can not slightly move it. Here goes the saying of old
wisdom "what you sow, so shall you reap".
Certainly our suggestions about Afghanistan solutions would enrage Pakistani rulers,
because they still believe that by maintaining the current political status quo they
could bring serenity to it. But the realty suggests otherwise, now the condition of
a worst form of a civil war in this country is looming over its head like dark
clouds. While as an atomic county, its civil war would cause the region for a long
time of sleepless nights. On the other hand the Russians, Indians and the Israelis
would be the first who would feel the devastating affects of this civil war. In the
event of defeat of America and its allies, the morale of the Talban would touch the
zenith. It would be the stupidity of the world community if it ignored the slogans
of Islamic caliphate. The theocracy, under which they expel/defeat America, would
compel them to expand it beyond the region, so that the thousands of, or more so,
Talban and Al Qaeda warriors members (we don’t
 regard them two separate identity) who would not set idle and create  problem there.
In the event of defeat of democratic and secular forces, Islamic extremism would be
the only concept which encourages them to forge ahead. They would start thinking
that they had defeated Russia and then America and NATO, so why not give a try to
establish Islamic Sharia in closed by Islamic countries. Relatively regarding the
Central Asian countries, the less developed countries would be the first victims of
their onslaught, and then in the same way the Russia and Europe, and on the other
side Kashmir, and  from several other ways India as well. Thirdly from the inferno
of Iran, they would try to put Israel into flames. Pro Pakistan elements in Talban
and other common student leaders would not allow India and Russia to increase their
sphere of influences by creating chaos in these countries, in the wake of American
departure. Pakistan would support their policy, just because it also helps Pakistan
to save itself from Russians and Indians influences.
 And it also provides an opportunity to Pakistan to crush the pro independent forces
there. America, because of its wounds of the defeat, would not be able to show any
immediate reaction.
But so far experience has proven that all Pakistani modus operandi of scheming the
things and calculations are doomed to failure.
Pakistan would not be able to calm down its internal anarchy, by spreading terror in
Israel, India and Russia, despite keeping them away from itself.
Therefore world should be waiting for another Burundi and Somalia in the shape of
Pakistan with a permanent power, which could be the main reason of a war between
Islam and Christianity, Jews and non-believers.
In this scenario, it is a rare opportunity for the world powers, including America
to save the world from the disaster of this country messes, and Pakistan itself, to
rectify that historical blunder where Baloch, Sindhis and pashtuns regard themselves
Only the complete declaration of freedom of all these nations would save Pakistan
and the world as well from disastrous consequences.
The relative peace that followed after the demise of Soviet Union, and the
balkanization of Yugoslavia and Czechoslovakia, is the proven fact that when the
relations become strained, should be severed.
 Pakistan and Iran would be disheartened from their interest of weakening
Afghanistan, if only the freedom of these nations returned back to them. The
cooperation between Pakistan and Iran which has put the entire world in a strained
situation, would receive an end. The connections of Islamic and Talban terrorism
tendency would be severed and isolated, thereby it helps to rehabilitate them in a
civic society. The danger of Pakistani nuclear arsenals falling into wrong hands
could be circumvented. Because when all its nationalities get their freedom, the
only Punjab would not need the atomic bomb anymore. And its historical enmity with
India would come to an end.  The Kashmir issue would receive the entire world
attention and it would be resolved amicably and peacefully. Corruption in Pakistan
would not pose any danger to a world community. Iran would be compelled to show
flexibility to world community, when the alliance between Pakistan and Iran is
 broken. There too it paves the way for all nationalities to regain their freedom
and basic human rights would be restored. The best advantage is that after the
establishment of a common afghan (the inclusion of Pakistanis pashtuns into
Afghanistan) government, post- Pakistan pashtuns would have the ability to do their
level best to control the extremist policy of Talban. Today all the pashtuns have
been put into juxtaposition against each other by Pakistan. But tomorrow, if
allowed, in the event of their togetherness, they would use their best capacity to
establish an excellent democratic government.
A Soviet Union gave birth to 15 different states. None of them shouted foul to each
others and now they all enjoying their freedom and trying to establish good
relationship among themselves. A one of few may have a strained relationship, but it
doesn't mean that their existence is in danger. Or that their mêlée have any
affect on the world peace.
In our humble opinion, the day when the world powers and America identified the root
cause of all evils and perceived  that it is laying in the niche of unnatural
division of nations and in the decision of the then British Empire, they would start
seeing the problem from a different point of angle. It would help them resolve this
issue, and this emancipates them from the fear of a possible war of Islam and
Otherwise, today the terrorists who sneak into Europe and carry out terror, but
tomorrow they would enter into Europe with diplomatic passports and wreck havoc
Source; Dailytawar
Translated by Archen Baloch
 Original article is in Urdu language published in dailytawar newspaper.
 Links are provided below.
 first part:
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