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LONDON 2009/12/04

Two years of the Baloch case in the United Kingdom – bail money still

Exactly two years ago from today in London, three places were raided by the
British Anti Terrorism Command (also known as SO15) from the new Scotland
Yard simultaneously in the areas of Ealing, Wembley and Hunger lane. Two of
the houses belonged to Hybyair Marri a Baloch leader and son of prominent
Baloch leader Nawab Khair Baksh Marri. At the time of the raid Mr Marri was
residing at his Ealing house and Faiz Baluch was living at the Wembley
house.   Baloch leader Hybyair Marri and activist Faiz Baloch were
apparently arrested on behalf of the government of Pakistan ‘Musharraf’s

 Their arrest took place soon after Shaheed Balaach Marri’s assassination on
 20 November 2007; it was probably a good opportunity for the Pakistan
 government as they had got rid of one Marri and wanted to get rid of the
 other Marri. From 23 November up to the arrest of Hyrbyair Marri and Faiz
 Baluch, the British security forces installed secret camera in front of
 their houses and flow them everywhere. All the well-wishers and friends who
 had come to pay their respect to Balaach Marri had been filmed by the secret
 cameras and later the prosecution tried to say that these people were
 gathering to make some sinister plans.

  The Baloch activists were taken to the high security Paddington Green
 police station for interrogation. Later it came to public notice that they
 had been charged under terrorism act 2000, *there were four charges
 against each of the Baloch activists, which were as follows; **1)
 Possession of an article for a purpose connected with the commission,
 preparation and instigation of an act of terrorism – contrary to section 57
 of terrorism act 2000. 2) Collecting information of a kind likely to be
 useful to a person for committing or preparing acts of terrorism – contrary
 to section 58 of terrorism act 2000. 3) Preparation of terrorist acts –
 contrary section 5 of terrorism act 2005. 4) Incitement to commit an act or
 acts of terrorism – contrary to section 59 of terrorism act 2000.  Additionally
 Mr. Marri had been charged with possessing a CS Gas canister which comes
 under fire arm act. *

 After one week of interrogation and isolation Baloch activists had formally
 been charged and sent to Britain’s notorious, high security prison Belmarsh
 for awaiting trial to prove their innocence.  Belmarsh is the toughest
 prison and a place for high risk criminals. Mr Marri and Baluch were treated
 as Category ‘A’ prisoners ‘a threat to general public that means’. An A
 Category prisoner is not allowed to have any visits without a formal
 invitation approved by the Home Office, prisoners of this category are also
 striped searched ‘which is a degrading process, specially for a Baloch’
 after any visits to their legal teams, coming back from gym, work or for any
 reason if they go out from their cells on their way back they are strip
 searched.  Cat ‘A’ prisoners are also locked in isolated cells ‘often
 known as single cells’.

 After spending almost 5 month in prison Mr Hyrbyair Marri was released on
 bail on very strict conditions, he was not allowed to attend any political
 meeting regarding Balochistan, he was not allowed to speak to the media, he
 was not allowed to phone Balochistan, Iran, Pakistan and Afghanistan, he had
 to wear a tag at all times, he was not allowed to leave home between 8pm to
 8am and he had to report to a police station every day. Same conditions were
 attached with Faiz Baluch’s bail when he was released a couple of months
 after Mr Marri release. In addition Faiz had to answer to a “Voice
 Recognition Machine” call every midnight.  Apart from these conditions Mr
 Marri had paid nearly £300,000 cash as security, that money had been
 deposited to the court’s account until any decision is made regarding his
 case, and if Mr Marri fled the country the money would be seized by the
 government or Court. After any decision regarding the case the money would
 and should be returned to those who stood as Mr Marri’s security.

 However, in Mr Marri’s case that did not happen, in fact the UK government
 has not paid Mr Marri’s bail money back after his acquittal in February
 2008. Although the money was paid by several friends and well-wishers of Mr
 Marri but after his release Mr Marri paid back to all of his friends with
 difficulty. All the people who had got their money back from Mr Marri wrote
 to the CPS and to the court that the money should now be paid to Mr. Marri.
 The police and court are now denying paying Marri’s bail money using
 different lame excuses. To Hyrbyair Marri it seems “legal blunder”. He
 thinks the UK government is still acting on behalf of Pakistani intelligence
 agencies and to trying to make financial difficulties for him. In the 70s
 Pakistan confiscated lands, took the vehicles of Hyrbyair’s family in order
 to weaken them financially and to force them to succumb to Pakistan
 government pressure.  Hyrbyair Marri believes the UK government seems to
 be doing exactly the same today.

 Despite all the difficulties Hyrbyair Marri is determined that such
 pressure tactics cannot stop him for campaigning for his country’s
 Independence. He continues to advocate freedom, after his release he has
 been actively taking part in protests, public gathering and spoke to media
 regarding Baloch cause. His view is that Balochistan was forcefully occupied
 and the occupation must come to an end. He believes in dialogue and finding
 a peaceful solution to Balochistan’s problem but he is adamant that the
 occupiers of Baloch land must withdraw unconditionally and immediately.  He
 insists that Independence of Balochistan must be a part of any dialogue with
 Pakistan to resolve Balochistan issue and negotiations must be guaranteed
 and observed by international guarantors.