بلوچ گلزمین ءِ جارچین |
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Saturday, November 28, 2009
Balochistan for Balochs...... Pakistani promises/packages to burn in hell !!!! If Pakistani establishment places moon on their one hand & sun on their other hand, Balochs shall never beleive their promises due to their past bitter experiences since 1948. The recent so-called package, it`s speculated, resembles the two committees formed by ex-dictator Parvez Musharaf. These false promises remind us the false deals, behind the locked-doors, between Pakistan & Khane Qalat which ended at the occupation of Balochistan in 1948. This package, again, reminds us the false promises made to the Chief of Balochistan Lashker, Nawab Nouroz Khan. In short, the Pakistani promises/packages have been proved to be catastrophic results to Baloch who were compelled to walk through fire & blood.
This package is nothing but to place
the guns on the shoulders of civilian Government to bleed Balochs as
Balochs have experienced in 1971-74.This package is a way to turn
the tables of the present puppet civilian Government of Pakistan by
Pakistani Military, in the end and hang some leaders of the present
civilian Government to satisfy Baloch community.
It needs a third party to mediate between Balochs and Pakistani establishment. For example a representative of United Nations as in the case of amicable settlement between two two warning groups ...as in Indonesia, Ire-land Darfur, Palestine and Mayanmar (Burma) etc. The solid, permanent and the right solution of Balochistan is....Balochistan for Balochs."An Independent Balochistan shall result to discourage Pakistani Military to carry-out their adventurous expansionist expeditions in South Asia, Central Asia and middle-east." This is the only way to solve the problems in South Asia, created by Pakistani Army. The terrorist activities of Pakistani Military in India, Afghanistan, United Kingdom/United States and potentially in Middle-east and Central Asia in future.... depends upon the evil intention of Pakistani Army to "hold golden bird in the cage" i.e. to enslave Balochistan which was occupied by Pakistani Military in March, 1948. If the bird flys out from the cage, the policies of Pakistani Military shall abruptly be changed. Pakistani Military shall be tamed for ever. After the freedom of Balochistan, the muslim "Punjabi Regiment" shall be tamed and shall refrain from killing his own people and shall stop their expansionist dreams for ever. An Independent Balochistan shall serve not only the defeat of Pakistani Army (Talibans/al-quida) but also shall be proved to be an excellent way to transport the logistic supplies for Nato Forces in Afghanistan. An independet Balochistan is the only guarantee to the safety of pipe-lines laid for the transport of hydro carbonate to India and to the western countries via Gwader Port and Chahabar Port. An Independent Balochistan shall serve to defeat the Islamo-fascists in Middle-east, Iran, Central Asian Countries and above of all safeguard the interests of the big democracies of the globe. An Independent Balochistan is the "doctrine of necessity" to safeguard the human rights of Balochs, which are being voilated by the retarded minded Islamo-fascists of both Iran and Pakistan and shall protect the charter of United Nations Organization and save it to be as League of Nations.
"A free Balochistan shall help to
solve the problems in both Afghanistan and India, problems which are
created by Pakistani Army." so simple is it to mention !!!
( Afghan Baloch Think-tank )