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Self-determination of Sindh and Balochistan, A strategy for Regional Peace
Abdul Hamid Khan Chairman BNF Speech in UNHRC 16 September 2009

First of all I present an honour for the great Baloch leader Nawab Akbar Bugti who was killed by the Pakistani forces 3 years ago because he had demanded self-determination for the Baloch nation. Secondly I also want offer my heartily tribute to both Nawab Akbar Bugti and great nationalist leader of Sindh GM Sayed.

I represent Balawaristan National Front, which is based in Pakistan Occupied Gilgit Baltistan and we call it as Balawaristan, while Pakistan was using the irrelevant name of Northern Areas to disfigure its historical name and legal position.

In the presence of our Baloch and Sindhi friends, I don’t have sufficient knowledge on the topic. But I am grateful of my Sindhi friends who have given me honour by giving the opportunity t address this AUGUST Forum.

Today Balochistan is the burning issue of the South Asia, because of the great sacrifices of the people of Balochistan, specially the world oldest soldier and general  Nawab Akbar Bugti who sacrificed his life for the freedom of his nation.

The first freedom struggle of Balochistan started in 1948, when Pakistan merged Kalat with its territory illegally. Pakistan of course a Punjabistan has been applying a multi strategically deal with Balochistan from very beginning. Pakistan launched its first Military offensive against Balochistan in 1948, 1958, 1962, 1973 and 2002 up till now to crush  Baloch voices by force. Islamabad kept Balochistan economically and educationally backward intentionally to suppress it further. Natural gas which was discovered in 1951 in Sue Balochistan is supplied to Punjab up to NWFP 100s Kilometres away from the source by depriving Balochistan. When the people of Balochistan demanded their share in their own resources, they  were declared as traitors and killed brutally. Balochis are not given their due share in the Army, Air Force Police Railways, PIA and  administration etc. You cannot find any single Balochi in the bureaucracy in Islamabad and almost the same discrimination face by the indigenous  people of Sindh. Punjabis and other national are being settled in Balochistan and Sindh like Balawaristan  with the intention to change its demography.

Pakistan Army has turned the whole Balochistan in to a Military cantonment and the intelligence agencies particularly the notorious ISI has turned the whole Balochistan in to a torture camp. Thousands of check post have been established to harass Balochis  and restrict their movement which also facilitate terrorists  and allows their  free movement without any interference. This is the reason that Talibaan leaders are given free hand in Balochistan. More than 5000 Balochis are missing who have been either killed or kidnapped by ISI. More than 200,000 have been displaced because of the Pakistani forces and their intelligence agencies indiscriminate use of force against the peaceful people who demand self-determination.

The dismissal behind the present Chief Justice of Pakistan Mr. Iftikhar Choudhry was the missing persons, because he took the cases of missing persons seriously by ignoring ISI and Pakistani generals threat who are the power thirsty and terrorist mind who dismissed him from service along with 60 judges and put them in detention along with their families for several months. In such a country where democratic government have no role in strategic and military related matters, how a life, property and dignity of an ordinary person can be protected. Besides hundreds of Balochi youth and girls the 80 years old Akbar Bugti  who was ex governor and Chief Minister and an  Assembly member Nawab Balach Marri and hundreds others were  killed by the Pakistani forces. In April 2009, 3 prominent Political leaders of Balochistan who were struggling peacefully and who did help in the release of UN official were kidnapped by ISI from the office of a local prominent lawyer in daylight and killed them and dropped their bodies  by Army helicopter whose bodies were found badly mutilated. There are also reports that USA weapons to Pakistan against Talibaan are also being used against the civilians of Balochistan.

In such circumstances there is no chance of remedy or justice to the people of Balochistan. The family of the victims of Balochistan faith on the only Chief Justice of Pakistan Mr. Iftikhar Choudhry was shattered, when no action has been taken against ISI culprits who had kidnapped thousands innocent people and killed many, even many months of his return to his seat as Chief Justice of Pakistan. In such situation no choice left to the people of Balochistan but to continue their struggle for their complete freedom as a sovereign country.

Now I would like to say something about the relation between Balawaristan, Sindh and Balochistan and our common interest against a common exploiter and enemy.

The legal situation of Balawaristan compare to Sindh and Balochistan is different. The future status of Balawaristan is still to be decided according to UNCIP resolutions, but it's also a constitutional part of India because of the accession of Maharaja of Jammu & Kashmir with India on 26th Oct 1947.

Apparently we  the  people of Balawaristan or Gilgit Baltistan have no common interest with Sindh and Balochistan, because our geographical borders do not join anywhere. This is a common phenomenon that there is no common border or geographical link, no common interest and no enmity. Yes we have no enmity and no dispute, this is a good sign.


But these are the atrocities and conspiracies of Pakistan or Punjabistan which has established common interest among the slave people of Balawaristan and most deprived and victim  Balochistan and Sindh.

The common interest between the people of Balawaristan and Sindh is River Sindh and common interest between the people of Balawaristan and Balochistan is Karakoram Highway (KKH) which links Pakistan with China. Pakistan is hatching conspiracy to build 6 Mega Dams in the whole Balawaristan for power and agriculture purpose of Punjab.As a result 1/4 of the indigenous population will be submerged and displaced. But it’s unfortunate that the Sindhis are silent spectators this time, who raised their voices against Kalabagha Dam. It’s a common sense that if one dam (Kalabagh) can affect the routine water for Sindh, what would be the consequences if 6 Mega Dams are built on the same river. The whole Sindh will be converted in  to a desert, if 6 mega dams are built on river indus. It's a common interest of Sindh and Balawaristan to resist firmly against the construction of mega dams by the Punjabis on the cast of Sindh and Balawaristan.

The interest of Balochistan and Balawaristan is KKH, because KKH is linked with Balochistan Gawadar port without consultation the people of Balawaristan and Balochistan. Both in these games Panjabi Pakistan and China are  the exploiters who did not consider the interest of Balochistan, Sindh and Balawaristan. The  interest of Sindh, Balochistan and Balawaristan is the same and we don’t have any differences.

I appeal the real nationalists of Balochistan and Sindh to join hands with the people of Balawaristan against Dams and construction of bloody KKH and for the freedom from occupation of Pakistani forces and their agencies and Military sponsored terrorists. 

Abdul Hamid Khan


Balawaristan National Front (BNF)

Head Office: Majini Mahla, Gilgit, Balawaristan (Pakistan Occupied Gilgit Baltistan)

Website: www.balawaristan.net

Email:     balawaristan@gmail.com
