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POSTED 2009/04725

Balochistan`s  role to challange the Talibani (ISI) menace.
                  There are some limits to tolerate the opposite winds in human character.
At a certain boiling point, one has to take very, very bold and rational stepts to save
themselves and their own nation and their future generations.
                  Balochistan, occupied by Pakistan in 1948, is experiencing different
sorts of atrocities. After many Pakistani attacks on Balochs, Balochistan is viewing
One Unit, many Martial-laws, a series of constitutions and lot of fake elections under
the shadow of Pakistani establishment i.e. ISI, Military and their selected guys.
                  Now, again a totalitarian type of government is being "imposed" on the
Balochistan in the name of Talibans and  Sharia-law. It`s only a rehearsal of Pakistani
Army to get a hard grip on Balochistan to loot the rich minerals of this Province. It`s
only an attempt to prolong the annextion of Balochistan in Pakistan with force. It`s
a shameful act of Pakistani Army, Pakistani establishment and ISI to block the
NATO forces in Afghanistan and offer them a "free passage" to quit Afghanistan.
                   Instead, Balochistan must play his heroic role to offer a "Safe route" to
NATO forces to carry-out their logistic supplies through Balochistan to Afghanistan.
Balochs must learn the "hair raising" lessons of Talibani atrocities in Afghanistan.
We don`t think that western civilised countries shall reject the Balochi offer to combat
the Talibani threat.
President of United States, Mr. Barack Obama is well aware that the victory of Talibans in Pakistan shall be the beginning of the "down-fall" of Western Civilisation. Sooner or later, they shall comprehend that the "Freedom of Balochistan" is the only way to  defeat fundamental forces in Pakistan. A Sovereign State of Balochistan shall prove to be  the only brakes to stop the  Talibani train who intend to spread in South Asia, Middle-east and Central Asian countries.
                 Balochistan has experienced many cruel laws, military attacks and imposition
of Martial-laws etc. Balochs shall never accept, again, the imposition of Sharia-law,
the tatalitarian type of Pakistan Military governace.....Talibans.
                 It`s utmost important that Balochs should prepare to face "Talibanisation"
in Balochistan. They can  be massacered brutally if Talibans occupy this land, even
if Balochs reamain to be silent, act peace-fully and bow before Talibans. Don`t forget
Talibans shall push Balochistan in back stone age.
                 In this scenario, potentially Balochs shall organize themself and prepare
Baloch Voluteers to face Talibans. Face Talibans for their own security, save the
lives of old ones, Juvelines, men and women. In addition, to save their lands, mountains,
natural resources and the long coast. Don`t forget, the existance of Balochs shall be
at state in the presence of Talibans.
                United States, European Union, India and Afghanistan shall be ready to
help Balochs, financially and militarily. This is the question of the existance of lot of
nations, including the civilisation of western culture, peace, prosperity, human-rights and democracy.
                Baloch Statesmen and the fore-sighted men of the Globe should come
forward and help to free Balochistan which is the onnly way to keep this Globe in
safe hands.
                We beleive and support........the Freedom of Balochistan.
                 ( Global Friends of Balochs )