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Press Release

We  Strongly Condemn the Cold Blooded Murders of Baloch Political Activists

Balochi Human Rights Council (BHRC) strongly condemns the cold blooded murders of Baloch political activists  Waja Ghulam Mohammad Baloch, Waja Sher Mohammad Baloch and Lala Muneer Baloch by the Pakistani Military Intelligence Agency. They were picked up by security personnel on 3rdApril, 2009 from the office of their solicitor in Turbat Balochistan.

 Waja Ghulam Mohammad,  Waja Sher Mohammad and Lala Muneer have steadfastly been in the forefront of the political mobilisation for the genuine rights of the Baloch people. Last year, they have been arrested by the security agencies, tortured, kept in solitary confinement for long period before releasing them. It is being reported by reliable sources that after picking them up from the office of Mr. Kachkol Ali Advocate on 3rd  of this month, the Baloch leaders were blind folded and taken to an unknown destination. It is believed that they were thrown from a military helicopter after being tortured to death in Peedark hills next day 20 miles away from Turbat.

Balochistan is under a brutal military operation for the last five years in which a large number of prominent social, intellectual and political figures have been targeted and eliminated by the state security agencies of Pakistan. The state establishment of Pakistan has always remained very keen to silence the voice of reason raised for the genuine rights of the Baloch people.

This disgusting act of the intelligence agencies of Pakistan reminds us of the inhuman acts of brutalities on the Bengali political leadership during the last days of East Pakistan. It also reminds us how immoral and shameless an enemy Baloch are facing.

This is high time for the international human rights organizations and the international community to take serious notice of the crimes against humanity being committed by the Pakistani state in Balochistan. We are writing memorandums at this respect to UN Secretary General, president of European Union and many other international humanitarian organizations.

Issued By:

Samad Baloch

General Secretary 

 Baloch Human Rights Council       London  9 April 2009
