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Sui 20090217
Barbaric actions of Pro-talibani Pakistani Military in Balochistan. Stop ethnic
cleansing in Dera-bugti.
  Miran Bugti


The so-called civil Government of Pakistan is being used as a rubber stamp by the
Pro-talibani military of Pakistan, who with their night vision Goggles, heli-copters and
other weapons, killing  indiscriminately the innocent civilians in Balochistan  and have started a fresh wave of kidnapping the Baloch political activists, all over Balochistan.
According to a local inhabitant  of Dera-bugti, requesting to be anonymous due to the
security of his life,  "Pakistan Army has  started his full fledged attacks in the  Dera Bugti, killing the innocent civilians  of the villages, burning-down their homes & corps. The savage Pro-talibani Pakistani Army is beating the men, women and Juvaline and even arresting them without any reason. They are even catching and slaughtering the herds of goats, sheeps and Camels of the tribals to finish their hunger" He added that, "Animals and standing crops  are the only  source of livillihood of the poor tribals in Balochistan. The worst men made affected areas in Dera-bugti are:.Dilbar mat, Mondrani Mat, Neelegh, Lanja and Ganja."  
Further he narrated that, "The homes &  tents of the tribals in these areas are being completely washed-out and the disgraced Pro-talibani Pakistani Army, compels  the civilians to leave their ancestral homes. The cruel Nazi Army of Pakistan has completely  broken the local tribes who have either been arrested or fled to mountains or other safe places to save their lives."
"Even in Sui Town, the famous disgrace Pakistani Intelligence Agency threatened the
non-combatant, innocent civilians with an ultimatum of a week to  leave Sui area ,otherwise, they should be prepared  for dire consequences." He continued that,  "Some of them, living in Sui,  belonged to to those unfortunate Balochs  who were  already being displaced before in the past Army operations in other areas of Dera- Bugti in the past".
The reporter further added  "Balochs appeal to the world community and specially the United Nations Organisation to intervene and save the lives of innocent citizens of
Balochistan from the Pro-talibani Pakistani Army and their Frontier Constabulary - who
are very active in  Balochistan but more helpful to Talibans of N.W.F.P. - and strongly
demand to deploy peace keeping forces in this part of the world."