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Baloch National Front Interprets The Gagged Baloch Voice In Iran

Written By Archen Baloch 2009/06/10

The  theocratic  Iran, which signed a gas  pipeline  deal with Pakistan, is one
of the most cruel and callous regime in the Middle Eastern region where  it has no
regards for human beings, it does not recognize cultural identity, except the
Persian one. Neither it can tolerate dissent political voice, nor can it put up with
any religion other then Shiites.  That is why the Baloch are now up in arms to get
rid of Persian ultra-theocratic regime from Balochistan. And this is what which has
infuriated Iran into rampant killing of Baloch political workers. The immediate
public hanging of five Baloch political workers after masque bombing in Zahidan on
may 28 the violence erupted in all cities and villages  in Western Balochistan
which put the very existence of Iranian regime on fire, and then as usual. It
started blaming America and Israel for the unrest in its occupied Baloch homeland.
Now one should ask the Iranian ultra-nationalists theocrats, what is their own share of wrong doings that have flamed the Baloch Nationalism?
Baloch National Front,  based in  Pakistani occupied Balochistan, commands the
will of popular political resistance, has an agenda, based on three points:

1 Struggle for freedom from the occupation of Pakistan and Iran,

2 Struggle for freedom through non - parliamentary politics,

3 Rendering full supports to sarmachaars, (freedom fighters) fighting the occupying
  forces in Balochistan.

In the policy statement towards struggle for freedom from Iranian occupation of
Baloch homeland, the Baloch Front based in Eastern Balochistan seems to vocalize 
and interpret  the on going fight in Zahidan and other cities of Iranian occupied
Balochistan for a  greater independent Balochistan, it says” The war for freedom
in Eastern Balochistan has tremendously affected the Iranian occupied western
Balochistan, therefore  the religious resistance organization has now stipulated
its struggle for the freedom of Balochistan. BNF has expressed its appreciation for
the sarmachaars fighting Iranian forces in occupied Western Balochistan who have
trans - opted for Baloch nationalism from religion based struggle, changing its name
to Baloch Peoples Resistance Movement, formerly known by the name of Jandullah.
Just  a  couples of days ago  BNF; Baloch National Front  declared its
opposition to the IP signed between Pakistan and Iran, stating that both, “Iran
and Pakistan wouldn’t be able to protect the pipelines run through Baloch
homeland”, “the successful operations of Baloch (sarmachaars) freedom fighters
have rendered Pakistani occupying forces into a utter failure to protect the pipe
lines running from Dera Bugti Sui and ouch gas fields and, the disruption to gas
supply to Punjab, has plunged Pakistani economy into a severe crisis”.  It is a
fact that without the presence of helicopters, tanks and big guns in Dera Bugti gas
fields the flow of Baloch liquid gas to Punjab is an impossible task to keep
Pakistan economy alive. Furthermore it states that “given the prevailing
conditions in Balochistan, the IP pipeline Stan signed   between Pakistan and Iran
on May 22, is nothing more then a self deception”.  
Under the banners of BNF, Baloch Women Panel and Baloch Students Organization held
rallies in all over Balochistan and in Karachi to  protest the extra judicial 
public hanging of five Baloch political workers, and called upon United Nations to
stop the chauvinist Iranian regime’s brutality against innocent Baloch masses.
According to daily time’s correspondent Malik Siraj Akber, professor Saba
Dashteyari, who led the main rally in Quetta, said the Baloch living on both sides
of the border did not recognize the international boundary. The public hanging of
the Baloch citizens would prove counter-productive in the future, as Baloch would
avenge this action.Baloch nationalism has gone beyond   the control of Pakistani
protected tribalism and Iranian chauvinistic brutalism. Let us hear from Mehrjan, a
leader of Baloch Women’s Panel, whose massage contains a whole set of Baloch
nationalism: “International countries and human rights organizations,
 mainly the US and the UN, should take notice of the mistreatment meted out to
minorities in Iran,” she said. She warned that if Iran did not improve its
relations with the Baloch population, then the Baloch living in Pakistan occupied
Balochistan would move to help their brethren by target killing Iranian nationals
living in, or visiting, Pakistan.