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In spite of  the court sentence and the objection of several human rights organiszations and groups, the government of Pakistan extradited Gholam Haidar Raisani Baloch to Islamic Republic of Iran 

Following the reports,  Gholam Haidar Raisani Baloch and three other persons were extradited by Pakistan government to the authorities of Islamic Republic of Iran at Islamabad airport Saturday 14.06.2008. The identity of other 3 persons is still unknown.

Gholam Haidar Baloch – son of  Khodabaksh born in 1979, who originates from a area near by Quetta, was approximately one year ago sentenced to imprisonment in Pakistan, claimed to carry unauthorized arms.  Despite of the court sentence, the government of Pakistan changed the decision last month and ordered his extradition to Iran, where it was claimed that he is holder of iranian nationality. Several human rights organizations and groups, including Amnesty International have consequently reacted by objection to this dicision. Furthermore, baloch people in several cities in Balochistan have expressed their objection to the current illegal dicision of Pakistan government by demonstrations and other legal peaceful acts.

After changing the dicision of court by Pakistan government, human rights activists succeeded to bring the case to Supreme court, which ordered the cancellation of extradition order. On the date where the dicision of supreme court was about to be published, the pakistani authorities removed Gholam Haidar from Quetta Jail, and hold him in custody at an unknown place until Saturday 14.06.2008. Afterwards the extradition was announced by Iranian news agencies. The announcement did though not mentioned his name but as ‘’Abdoulhamid Rigi’’. 

Islamic Republic of Iran has during the hole process claimed that Gholam Haidar is an iranian citizen while there are uttermost legal documentations on that he is a pakistani citizen. His parents and his own family members are all holder of pakistani national, and hold all pakistani aquired documents incl. ID-card,  driving liscence, school documents, passport etc. 

As informed, the Islamic republic of Iran has already  killed  and still killing hundreds / thousands of young Baloch with false allegations such as participation in drug handling processes and / or participation in armed groups. As informed also, the acused persons have been killed with no any right for justice defence against the false allegations. When it is not possible for the regime to take such allegations in use, it does not hesitate to claim the Baloch are politically active agains the regime. 

Therefore we in Balochistan Human Right Watch strongly fear for the life of Gholam Haidar Baloch and  would like to call international attention, the Amnesty International in particular, to our concern.  Nevertheless we would like the international community to take the necessary immediate action on this particular imprtant matter.   


Balochistan  Human Right Watch / Radio Balochi FM - Sweden 

Tuesday, 17  June  2008




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