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Press Release

Interfaith international with the collaboration of UNPO, Baloch Human Rights Council, World Sindhi Congress, Sindhi Baloch Forum and Balochistan Rights Movement held a peaceful protest rally against the Pakistani and Irani state terrorism and brutalities in Balochistan on Friday 20 March 2009 from 9.00 am to 12.00 pm in front of the United Nations office in Geneva Switzerland. The slogans on the placards high lighted various aspects of human right violation of the Baloch by the Pakistani and Iranian States.

A conference on Human Rights situation in Balochistan was also held in the UN conference room at 3.00 pm to 5.00 pm, chaired by interfaith international president Mr. Charles Graves.

Senator Sana Baloch presented a detailed graphic accounts of injustices, atrocities, human rights violations, political, social deprivations, abduction & extra judicial killing of Baloch civilians including women & children, Target killing of Baloch leaders and Baloch intellectuals by Pakistani State. The presentation exposed both Pakistani and Iranian state’s brutalities on the Baloch people on both sides of the Goldsmid Line.

Mehran Baloch of Balochistan Human Rights Movement stated that 61 years of slavery & occupation of Pakistan has given Baloch no other option but to demand and gets its Freedom. A free & sovereign Balochistan is the demand of Baloch nation, United Nations and international community should support the genuine Baloch demand for freedom of Balochistan.

Noordin Mengal spoke of Pakistani state terrorism and target killing of Baloch leadership and abduction of Baloch civilian by state agencies. He warned that the Baloch had suffered a lot in the hands of Pakistani & Iranian states and time has come for the Baloch to get their independent state Balochistan. He said he has trust and faith on international community who will appreciate and support the legitimate right of the Baloch nation for freedom.

Munir Mengal spoke of his ordeal in Pakistani torture cell. He said he was abducted by the Pakistani secret agencies. He said his only crime was that he had publicly announced that he wanted to launch a Balochi TV. He gave a graphic detailed of tortures that he has faced during his solitary confinement including the ordeal of MS. Zarrina Marri.

The president of United Nations Human Rights Commission for Pakistan desk spoke to the conference and clearly confirmed that there are gross human rights violations happening in Balochistan by Pakistani security agencies. He read a lengthy account of Pakistani state terrorism in Balochistan and assured the conference and Baloch people that United Nations is serious and pressurizing Pakistan and would use its office to stop these atrocities and human rights violations happing in Balochistan

Dr. Lakhu Luhana of World Sindhi Congress expressed his nation’s solidarity with Baloch people and said it is Sind and Balochistan’s resources which are generating money to Pakistan’s economy. He drew the international community’s attention to the heinous crimes committed by Pakistani state against humanity in both Balochistan and in Sindh and warned that the same enemy has also knocked the doors of international community. Pakistan & its security agencies are not only a danger for Baloch & Sindhis but also a threat for the peace & security of the region and as well as for the international community. It is time that international community should commit itself in supporting the genuine & legitimate rights of Sindh and Balochistan for self determination according UN charter.

The representative of UNPO, the representatives of European Union South Asian Group, minister from the Canadian government, Peace and Nationality representative of Austria, United Nations High commissioner for Refugees and many other members of The United Nations Human Rights Council and NGOs from Europe expressed their opinion and shared their sympathies with the Baloch nation and pledged their support for their demand of self determination according UN charters .

It is worth noting that for the first time the delegates of different Baloch Organizations from Europe, Scandinavia and other parts of the world attended the Geneva protest and Baloch conference. Members of Baloch Human Rights Council were among the participants. Others who participated were Mr. Nasser Mohtashami, Rahim Baloch, Abdulla Baloch, Iqbal Baloch, Mir Ghulam Hussain Baloch, Jamshed Amiri, Saeed Baloch, Sadiech Baloch, Dur Mohd Baloch, Abdulla Hossainbor and Samad Baloch were among the Baloch participants. The Main organizers of the protest rally and the conference in Geneva were the interfaith international, representative of UNPO and Mr. Noordin Mengal.

A memorandum to the president of United Nations Human Rights Council is handed over on behalf of of the interfaith international, UNPO, Baloch Human Rights Council, World Sindhi Congress, Sindhi Baloch forum. A copy of the memorandum is attached with.

At the end of the conference an appeal was launched on behalf of the participants of the conference, and the Baloch representatives for the safe release of UNHCR representative Mr. John Solicky.

Issued by:

Samad Baloch

Secretary General

Baloch Human Rights Council London, Dated: 23-03-09
