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Posted 2009/03/28

       An Unknown Nation and an Unknown Country

We are writing this letter with a motive of having your voice for a suppressed Nation who has very few people to speak for, a Nation which is not very well known in this world, a Nation which is facing a systematic genocide and is certain to loose not only its identity but also has an extinction threat from Pakistan and Iran, two countries which have no rules for humanity, no freedom of expression and no regard for innocent death tolls. Both the countries are never questioned about the atrocities they do against this weak Nation. This weak Nation is known as Baluch Nation, living a miserable life with a population of above 20 million around the world. The colonial policy of drawing up the state boundaries in 19th century disregarded Baluch claims and divided an otherwise contiguous geographical terrain—spanning from Bandar Abbas in the west to Jacobabad to the east and from the Makuran coast to the south and from the Toba Kakar range in the north --- Among three states, i.e. Iran, British India and Afghanistan. The colonial cartographic adventure succeeded basically because the Baloch state had existed all through the history as a weak confederacy which could not unite into a power to challenge the Colonial Might and thus the Baloch rights were ignored without much concern-The Baloch land was divided into three parts by the British Colonial rulers by their forward policy, one part was given under Iran’s control in 1871, the part which was divided by a line which is known as the Gold Smid line to make Iran ally against Russia, the other part to Afghanistan in 1893, known as Durand Line, Balochistan was divided without any sort of consent by the Baloch population – After the Partition of British India into India and Pakistan, the Baloch sought complete Independence, but they were soon overtaken by history and the Pakistani Leadership, which was caused by direct pressure of Colonial rulers, so that this new weak State may not get influenced by the Communist Russia, which at that time was forwarding towards the Arabian Sea, Pakistan like the colonial predecessors, forced the annexation of Baloch State, known as Balochistan- Ever Since the Balochs have not accepted the forcible annexation of Balochistan The popular disaffection has simmered from years and Balochs have fought until yet four wars of Independence against Pakistan since March 1948, the month when Balochistan was occupied by Pakistan. The Pakistani state in view of its critical dependency on the natural resources of Baluchistan has used every possible way to suppress the voice of Baluch People, However the co-ercive state apparatus, on the other hand, has increase the wish among the Baloch people to regain their Independence and they have surfaced like the phoenix from the ashes again and again, moving into higher levels of resistance in each successive appearance. The ways used to suppress this highly moralized struggle Pakistani state has been breaking Humanitarian norms and has shown no concern for the Human Rights in Balochistan, so far thousands of innocent children have lost their lives, thousands been displaced and living without shelter, thousands of mothers waiting for their sons to be shown up, thousands of elderly people becoming victims of aerial bombing and chemical weapons, thousands of sisters seeing the dead bodies of their brothers, hundreds of brothers helpless in releasing their sisters from the captivity of Pakistan army and Iranian Revolutionary Guards. Whoever raises voice against the atrocities and illegal occupation of Balochistan has to face all kinds of torture that may not be called as humanistic and the stories are quite painful to be heard by every human being around the world. As Pakistan, Iranian state forces never change their policies towards Baloch, whether it be Shah’s Regime or Khomeini’s, which continues till very day, as recent murderous acts of arbitrary killings, summary executions and hanging of innocent Baloch youths in Iran. Baloch people overwhelming majority of whom live in Balochistan have not only been deprived of their basic rights, but also have been subject to blatant repression, systematic discrimination on the grounds of ethnicity and religion. The Baloch genocide in year 1973 – 1977 after dismissal of elected Baloch Nationalist government, Pakistan and Iran combinedly imposed war against Baloch nation and started aerial Bombardments on Baloch civilians, during war Iranian Gunship Helicopters joined Pakistan to attack Baloch civilians, and even in the current on going war of independence, the Iranian and Pakistani official meet time to time to assure collaboration in suppressing Baloch Nation to the extent that Baloch Nation may not be capable to claim their basic rights, land and resources. Baloch issue is not a problem of Pakistan, Iran or Balochs only, it has become a humanitarian issue, and we would be pleased if you serve humanity by highlighting the Baloch Cause and helping us to make a better and peaceful world.