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Be happy, don't worry  about the freedom of Balochistan.


.           History is  made  after  threats, genocide and  the oppressions of the State's
various actors on one hand and on the other hand,  she writes her chapters & shapes her profile  in accordance with the prevailing  socioeconomic atmosphere, by her  geopolitical situation, pushing them to the walls, sense of slavery and the yearnings for well
wishing of the future generations combined with the past history, the mutual agreements
of the nations for their bilateral interests and, above of all, to throw the yoke of
slavery with the firm determination of "Freedom or Death."
            Balochistan has never accepted the dominance of Pakistan since Marach, 1948 and Afghanistan has never accepted the illegal occupation of Pakhtunkhawa and Balochistan since 1947. To maintain their illegal occupation over Balochistan and Pakhtunkhawa, Pakistan has left no stone unturned to destabilize Afghanistan. Millions of human beings have been slaughtered after the killing of Sardar Daud Khan due to  the conspiracy of  Pakistani ISI inspired Communist Party attack. Remember that Sardar Daud Khan was a  staunch supporter of Pashtuns & Balochs. Panjabis could not and shall never be victorious in Afghanistan and shall never make Afghans their slaves any more. On the contrary, in the foreseeable future, Afghanistan shall be in strong  position to deliver the fruits of freedom to his neighboring brothers - Pashtuns & Balochs. Do weep or laugh loudly, you have to free Balochistan.
             It's a crazy phenomenon by Pakistani establishment by holding in one hand
the WMD, on the  other hand to scare the whole world with their terrorist activities. The
Pakistani proxy war either  in Afghanistan or in India is a total failure. Their allies in
middle-east , Iran or China can finance them and provide  different weapons but
can't hold them in the time of melting-down the forced-married State called Pakistan.
In the end, Khane Qalat, Mir Daud Khan - based in London, United Kingdom - shall give permission to NATO/ISAF forces to use Baloch land, coast and air space for the logistic supply for Baloch`s friends in Afghanistan. Do laugh loudly or cry deeply,  but you have to free Balochistan.
Be happy  & laugh loudly for the freedom of Balochistan because it shall bring peace and
prosperity not only in South Asia but in the whole world. A student of political science
is well aware that Balochistan has been the pivotal political policy of Pakistan. The
thrust of adding more land in Pakistan and to exploit or steal the rich mineral resources
of Balochistan are the main reasons for many Military Coups, internal unrest and denial of human rights to the citizens of Pakistan for the last 61 years. To keep the golden bird - Balochistan - in the cage, Pakistani ISI waged wars on different fronts. Not only on the
eastern and western borders but in remote land, over the seven seas. The abundant incomes of the Baloch mineral resources has helped to enlarge the Army and enriched the
bank balances of the elite class of Pakistan.The common citizens of Pakistan shall
never cry for a free Balochistan as they do not benefit from the looting of natural resources
of Balochistan. The neighboring countries shall, surely, rejoice on the  freedom of Balochistan because  the Pakistani Army shall not be able to carry-out their
pocket Jehadi activities  in their respective  countries.
Pakistan has ploughed and sowed the idea of "depth strategic policy in both India & Afghanistan." Now she is reaping the inputs. Pakistani establishment is not  immune to
terrorize the citizens of her neighbors.  One can predict the counter-insurgencey
and surgical strikes all over Pakistan due to their "depth strategic policy in Afghanistan."
The continued insurgencies shall, undoubtedly,  cripple the economy of Pakistan with the result of decreasing the number of her Armed Forces and various Jehadi Organisations. The  self created crisis by ISI in Pakistan, with their motives to pave way for Talbinisation shall never be accepted by Balochistan. One can't expect  an excuse to be an ally to Balochs to fight against Talibans, fundamental Islamic forces and Chinese menace. .So, what a blind man wishes? One or two eyes, of course. Please be happy and don't worry  if Balochs get  their freedom.
Thanks to the to-day`s greedy elite class (yesterday`s   foot-path sleepers  of Bombay) ,  the Pakistani common citizen`s economic burden shall be unbearable  and Balochistan shall be denied and bluffed to their rights, as usual. The mutiny of the ethnic groups of Pakistan shall never be finished and the civilized world shall be smart enough to dig their own graves by helping Pakistan financially and militarily as they shall be enlightened that these money and weapons is delivered to Talibans who kill NATO soldiers in Afghanistan.  The can't solve the economic problems of Pakistan, even  if they pay fifty billions dollars every month. In the long run, the clash between the Pakistani Army and the people of Pakistan shall result into a new geo/socio/economic contract which means, in the case of Balochistan,  an Independent State.....be happy don't worry !!!
Again, not only the neighbors of Pakistan are in trouble but the greedy class and their barbarous, disgraced Army and so-called security forces have made an hell to the citizens of whole Pakistan, including her mainland...Panjab. Why they are experiencing trouble, difficulties, inflation, Military dictator-ships, wars, countless self created crisis by ISI, sectarian crisis, ethnic battles? Why a common Pakistani is not welcomed in Western world to seek employment and they are suspected as Talibans/Quides or Qazis? The answer is ....Pakistani Army is attempting,  unsuccessfully,  to keep their occupation over Balochistan and they are "fighting the war of terror" against whole world, specially against Afghanistan and India.  Be happy & don't worry, if Balochistan emerges as  a free State, as  the side effects shall be the freedom of the people of Panjab, freedom to speech, freedom for movement, economic freedom for an ordinary citizen of Pakistan and freedom to settle in the whole world. You can purchase the mineral resources of Balochistan on very cheap prices and Balochistan shall be your nice, truth worthy and friendly neighbor.
We do firmly beleive that an Independent Balochistan shall feed more Panjabis. A peaceful and  free Balochistan shall need more labours, technicians and men of white colour..This gap can be filled-up by not only our Panjabi Balochs but also from central and eastern part of Panjab. On the other hand, the whole world, including India and Afghanistan, shall create golden opportunism to boost the economic development of a peaceful Panjab. This can only happen if you don't cry but be happy for..... an  Independent, sovereign and free Balochistan which in foreseeable future- to save Panjab to be a land-locked country - shall  make a Union with Panjab, as we see, nowadays .....  in European Union.
Be happy & don't worry