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Right of self-determination  equates
Peace & prosperity.

Khan Jan Baloch

One must learn from history. Turks were blind to oppress Arabs before
world war first. Arabian countries were declined their "self-rule" and even
there were restrictions on Arabic language to be used as official language.
What was the result? The western countries exploited their
weakness and fulfilled their yearning for freedom. The rest is the history.

We don't learn from the cruel attitude of Mogul emperors to-wards the
common Indians in which Aurang Zeb Alemgir used the weapon of religion
to promote his interest to preserve his rule of terror. What happened in
India later, this is also an open history.

After World War first, the European powers agreed to recognize the "right of self-determination" which is a only way to keep peace, stability,
progress and friend-ship among the nations. European countries fully
enjoyed this fruit but it became a "forbidden fruit" to taste for the nations of Africa and Asia. We can observe the illogical & senseless demarcations of borders of their new created countries. We think, tsars of Russia were more honest than European Colonialists, as regards the demarcation of boundaries of various countries in Central Asia.

The unrest of "minority ethnic groups" is the main cause of wars and unstability of a respective country and it is evident that the oppressive majority nations use the tactic of following the path of dictatorial rule and in the last resort to use the religious sentiments like Talibans/Al-quida to keep their power. Knowing all these facts, the Western countries knotted their hands behind by playing their own games.

In Pakistan, Western countries helped Pakistani Military with money and
weapons to crush Balochs and Pashtuns, who had secular politics but this
American/British assistance helped Talibans, their FC and Pakistani
Military to inflict more bloody attacks on Afghans in general and and Pashtuns in particular, both in Pakistan and in Afghanistan.

If we honesty have a glance over the world map, the "minority ethnic groups" are being oppressed and killed from Morocco to Egypt to China/India to Phillipines. Iran helps Sri-lankian to kill Tamils, Pakistan helps Iran to kill Baluchs in Iran, United States helps Pakistan to kill Balochs in Pakistan, India helps China to suppress Tibatians, Libya helps to Algeria to kill Berbers and so on.

It's a very tragic history in 21st century that billions of "minority ethnic groups" all over the world, are still treated as Slaves and the International relations are developed to suppress them instead of paving a way to apply the U.N. Charter to accept their ,right of self-determination which is the only way to keep peace, prosperity, development and
stability in Asia and Africa and make the Planet Earth a safe place to
reside !!!!

Posted 20080503