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DERA BUGTI 20081124

Pakistani army and FC has started new army Operation against Bugtis




Pakistani army and FC has started new brutal army attacks  in Dasht goran, Pezbogi, Neelagh and Dilbar-mat area in Sibi, Balochistan. Pakistani Frontier Constabulary’s (FC) attacks on innocent Baloch civilians has started since 20th  Nov 2008. During this so-called search and land force operations, FC has burned down many Baloch huts and their cattle have been killed or taken away by Pakistani Soldiers. Further they have destroyed the ripe wheat crops.  More than 20 non-combatant civilians, belong to Bugti tribe were arrested and taken  to Pakistani Army’s notorious  torture cells.


On 23rd November, at 5.00 Am,  5 innocent civilians, belong to bugti tribe were killed brutally. Two brothers were  killed during offering their Fajer (Dawn) prayers in the mosque. Four brothers were killed who were shepherds. A 67 years old man named Sohri Bugti was killed in front of his huts.


The brutal killings of innocent Baloch civilians by Pro-Taliban  FC & Pakistani Military is continue while nobody dares to stop the barbarian soldiers of Pakistani Army. The local population which is mostly from the Bugti tribe is migrating to seek refuge in safer places.