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Dated 20081004

A Baloch`s Dream  Nizar Baloch

I had enough from the leaders who come to us in the election seasons and paint a bright future for the nation and when the elections are over, they go in hibernation until the next elections.

There is a saying “fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me”

And I have lost the count the times I have been fooled by these parliamentarians. We all know, they cheat us and we will get nothing from them and their parliament except the lip service but we still wanted to believe them only because“ Dil Ke Behlano Ko Ghalib Ye Khayal Achcha Hai”

Anyway, what the Baloch nation`s demand is from the Pakistani parliament? Nothing, except resignation of Musharraf and Nawaz and Benazir`s contest in the election. We have achieved these two major goals in the Baloch history. Thanks to our leaders who resigned from the parliament and decided to boycott the election for these vital reasons, not for some other minor reasons, like martyrdom of Nawab Bugti or kidnapping, torturing and killing of thousands of our Baloch brothers or even less important issues of bombarding and killing innocent Baloch men, women and children. We are democratic people and we fight for democracy not for any other reason. (I`m sure Dr. Malik will like this statement very much).

If our main goal for fighting the Pakistani military was to remove Musharraf and bring Nawaz or some other criminals into power, then why we have been fighting the Pakistani military since 1948? And why did we fight the British and the Portuguese before that? I`m sure there is a very good explanation for that, but the problem is, we don’t listen to Hasil Bizanjo to understand everything, because some people think, he would have been more useful as a truck driver rather than a politician.

 After achieving the main goals of the Baloch nation under the leadership of APDM, PONAM and their Baloch stooges, I have decided to go abroad. To find a job or at least put the Baloch tradition turban which is the symbol of the highest respect for the nation under the feet of some criminal Baloch killer, hoping to get close to the ISI for future success. Altaf Hussain already had this honour form NP`s Khalid Lango, then I have to find some other agent for the ceremony. I think Shaikh Rasheed, Sherpao, Shaukat Azeez or may be Musharraf himself will be a good candidate, hoping some other NP or BNP leaders don’t read this and get the honour before me.

I had set my mind and was so sure about leaving Balochistan as much as Sardar Attaullah Mengal is sure about the parliament. The same way, nothing can stop Akhtar from fighting for the Baloch rights, nothing could stop me from going outside.

Please don’t take this as I`m running away from Balochistan and don’t want to be a part in the national struggle.

I totally believe Dr. Malik when he said, nobody will go to the mountains to fight for Balochistan. If one bullet is fired for the freedom war of Balochistan, the second bullet will be from him, Dr. Malik and the third bullet will come from my Kalashnikov, and this is a promise from both of us. He announced it long ago and I’m doing it now.

Moreover, if the Pakistani government starts a military operation in Balochistan, Senator Sana Baloch (as he loved to be called, Mr. Senator) will take the command of the national resistance and I will come back to be a soldier under his patriotic command. This is again a promise from both of us, and if you see us deviating from it, you have the full right to question us. It’s another matter if we really care or able to answer, but you still can ask.

Please don’t believe when somebody tells you the military operation is already going on in Balochistan. Bombarding villages and displacing 84,000 Baloch men, women and children and demolishing their houses or killing few hundred Baloch and kidnapping ten or twenty thousand of them is not a military operation. If you don’t believe me, ask Nawab Aslam Raisani, Nawab Magsi, Jamali, Jam, Zubaida Jala, Dr. Hai, Dr. Malik, Hasil Bizanjo, Sardar Mengal and his sons, Sardar Rind, Zehri Brother, Sana Baloch, Jahanzib, Jalib and all our parliamentarians. They all will tell you there is no military operation going on.

If you see all these military, ISI, MI and FC personnel in Balochistan, they are here to play cricket, as there is a shortage of grounds in Punjab, so they came here to play. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that.

When they get bored from cricket, they may practice shooting out and if some Baloch die during this game, I don’t know why some political activist and students come out to protest. Look at NP and BNP leaders, have you ever seen them protesting that? No, because they are not emotional people, they know it’s just a game, not a military operation. These people were just unlucky to die. Why should we blame the government for it?

 Now let’s go back to my plan, which only became possible with the help of NP leaders. Yes, thanks to the NP leaders for helping me to sell my ancestor's land in Guwadar to Choudary Iqbal, I managed to buy a visa for my dream land, The Great Britain. The land of infidels which we fought and sacrificed valuable lives to exchange them with our muslim brothers as our masters.

I knew about the life in the UK as much as Hasil Bizanjo knows about Balochistan. He thinks what is happening in Balochistan is a political issue. He doesn’t know about the military operation in Balochistan or maybe he never heard about it. He is not interested about thousands of Baloch taken refuge on their own mother land, hundreds are suffering in the torture cells and many more are losing their lives every day by military bombardment on their villages with the gunship helicopters. Waja Bizanjo thinks all this is only a political issue and he is very much capable of solving it in a political way, bravo.

 Despite that I was as very happy to arrive in the UK, you can say as happy as Hasil Bizanjo was when he heard about Sarmachar suspending their activities against the Pakistani government, for a moment I though the Sarmachar are fighting him not the Punjabis or maybe they have the same interests. I promised myself, I'll not leave, until I become a millionaire or until NP and BNP join the national struggle. I know both of them are not possible, so I'm staying here as long as the Brits stayed in Balochistan.

Getting a job for me in the UK was a difficult task, as difficult as Akhtar Mengal and his stooge’s task of trying to convince Baloch people abroad that the guerrilla war will get Baloch nation nowhere and the parliament is the best choice. Because my education level is as high as our great leader Mir Mohd Ali Rind and his nephew Asghar Ali Rind and my skills in any job are as good as Dr. Malik, Jahanzeb and Jalib are in politics. And moreover I speak English very fluently, just like Aslam Raisani when he speaks with the media (we are proud of you Aslam).

Thanks to my infidel friends, I got a job in a church. No I didn't become the Pope. Actually I had as much chance of becoming the pope as much Dr. Hai has of winning a seat in elections, because I`m as much popular in the Christian world as Dr. Hai is among the Baloch nation, so we both have equal chances and  we will never give up. For the time being I accepted the cleaner's job in the Church, hoping for a better job in the future.

I realised that achieving any major task requires time and energy that’s why Aslam Raisani gave himself two years to stop Baloch genocide by the Pakistani army. If they keep ignoring him for two years and the genocide and exploitation continues, he will resign and if I don`t become the pope within two years I will resign as well.

 If you think about it, two years is not a very long time. We are counting how much money we both can collect from our jobs not how many Baloch dies. And then, Musharraf is gone and it’s the PPP democratic government. So what if some Baloch dies, few villages get destroyed and some kids get kidnapped by the ISI and tortured and of course during torture some weak people may die, but then so what? We should look at the brighter side, it’s the democracy brought by APDM, our own APDM. This is what our parliamentarians wanted. Then we should be celebrating and supporting the military operation in Balochistan. Because it’s not done by a dictator, it’s done by a democratically elected government.

 As our governor Nawab Magsi said, the military is not doing enough in Balochistan. They should give him the command and he will demolish every single village in Balochistan. He will make sure every person who mentions the word Baloch or Balochistan will spend rest of his life in the Quli Camp. Long live Nawab Magsi, Nawab Aslam Raisnai and our parliamentarians for beating Musharraf and bringing the democracy in our life.

 We Baloch don’t mind if we are bombard and killed, we don’t mind to be kidnapped and tortured and our women are insulted or killed as long as it’s done by a civilian elected government.  We are realistic and democratic people. If you don’t believe me, you should look to Dr. Hai. Wasn’t he democratically elected as NP president again and again? And didn’t he accept his defeat in the latest party elections democratically? Did he call his party as undemocratic and uncivilised and threaten to split the party into NP Hai and NP Malik, the same way they divided BSO? The answer is no. All what you have heard and read about NP are written by the agents paid by the ISI and rumours spread by the enemies.

I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate Dr. Malik for succeeding Dr. Hai as the NP president. He came with a clear agenda which Dr.Hai failed to achieve. That’s why the angels exchange him by Dr. Malik.

In his first speech as the NP president he made his point very clear. He extended his support to the ISI agenda and told us something we never knew. He told us why we Baloch are still uneducated in the 21st century, he told us why don’t we have electricity, roads, hospital, colleges and jobs. He told us what we need to do to enter the 21st century as a proud nation depending on ourselves rather than the outsider. He told us we need to get rid of the tribal system. Yes, this is what he said. We never knew what our real problem was. We thought it’s because of the foreign occupation but the reality is as mentioned by Malik, the tribal system is our problem. Yes, we should look at Makkuran where Dr. Malik comes from. They don`t have a tribal system there, so they have no problems.

If you go to Makkuran, you will not know if you were in the Europe or Balochistan. You will see more Mercedes cars than donkeys. Huts, no they don’t exist there, they all live in skyscrapers. Gas, electricity, water are available 24 hours a day in every house. School, hospitals and universities are countless. Poverty, they only see it on the TV. You guessed it right, they don’t have the tribal system, and they are under the great leadership of NP and Dr. Malik.

I`m sure Dr Malik will help us to change rest of Balochistan to become developed like Makkuran. And he will work hard for a strong democratic Pakistan until the next coup, and then he will extend his support for the next military dictator for few years then he will join a new struggle for the democracy in Pakistan and so on. By then, Baloch nation will already be the minority in Balochistan and obviously the Baloch problem will not exist. This is how the parliamentarians will solve the Baloch problem.

Anyway, I'll tell you what I saw one day in the church, it’s up to you to believe it or not. If there are Baloch who believe in PPP, MQM and PML, NP, BNP and the Pakistan parliament then it should not be very difficult for you to believe me.

I saw Sana Baloch coming for confession. No, he didn’t say “I was stopped by the senior BNP friend for working for the nation”, because then the father will ask him to quit this party and tell the nation about it and work with the nation to dissolve this party ISI supported party which is working against Baloch nation..

If ISI and MI managed to put some of their people in BNP leadership and they managed to hijack it and forced Akhtar and his father to do and say whatever they want, then we as normal Baloch should target these agents and make them on the top of the hit list. And Sana Baloch is obliged to publish their names. He should not tolerate any ISI and MI agents in his own party.

He said to the father: “Balochistan is my mother and nobody can cut this relationship between me and Balochistan by threatening me”. I thought yes, nobody can threaten him for that, but they can make him an offer or the senior party friends can cut this relationship like butter and he will swallow that happily to keep his position with the criminal group of senior BNP traitors.

I wanted to ask him, if your real mother (God forbidden) was in trouble and she was asking for your help and then your same BNP senior friends come to stop you from helping her, then what would you do? Will the love and care of Sardar Mengal will be enough to keep you with the traitors or who will chose a different course to help your mother?

Sana Jan, there is nothing in the universe which could stop a loving son from helping his mother in need. The son who can’t defend his mother`s dignity has no place in the Baloch communities or perhaps has no room on the surface of this earth.

He continued “father, Akhtar and his father are very much supportive for the struggle but they can’t do anything because the party is full of agents and they are the ones who make the decisions and they are controlling the party.”

 The father laughed at him and asked him “my child, did you come here to confess or to insult my intelligence?”

And I woke up laughing at myself, how this can be true? Sana will never confess, he is a muslim.


 The dreamer, Nizar Baloch