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 Posted 20080929


By Archen Baloch

Amid world community concerns that Pakistan instability would make it possible for Al-Qaida and Talban to acquire Nuclear weapons from it, the Pakistani military junta has now started a new strategic move in Balochistan. Confirmed Reports coming out of Baloch press and political parties in Balochistan that Pakistan has turned Balochistan into a war zone where every sophisticated weapons of war are being deployed, including the nuclear weapons. And at the same time it has surreptitiously activated its religious networks spending billions of rupees to combat Baloch nationalism.  

According to Baloch National Front (B N F) press release, Sept 23 dailytawar, “Pakistani government has, besides activating the religious networks forces within Balochistan, briskly started deployment of its war arsenals along the borderline of Afghanistan and Balochistan from Qandahar to Quetta and Chaigi”.

The press release furthermore states that “ Pakistan is deploying its missiles capable of carrying atomic bombs and deadly chemicals weapons in Quetta military cantonments and other military camps in the region bordering Afghanistan . The deployment of war hardware in Balochistan is extensively taking place”.

The press release also warned the peace loving nations that “ Pakistan ’s religious terrorism promotional activities would cause a tremendous harm to Baloch national freedom struggle and the world peace at large.  Pakistan ’s all these ativities not only put the existence of Baloch nation in danger, but also the security of Afghanistan and India ”.

The press release which has been issued jointly by BNF’s  representative, Gulam Muhammad, Sangat Sana and Saddique Raisani in Karachi, has demanded to the world community and United Nation that, “they ask Pakistan it recognizes Baloch nation as an independent nation. In the same line the statement also warned Pakistan and Zardari that Baloch will not accept anything of so called economic initiatives, except outright independence from Pakistan ”. The press statement categorically rejected Zardari’s first presidential speech in which he had said that resolving Balochistan issue was included in his priorities, “The issue of Baloch crisis is related to the restoration of Baloch sovereignty over its homeland that is outright independent of Balochistan”.

At the end of the statement these leaders have also stressed that “the world community and United Nations would take strong necessary steps in combating the menace of religious terrorism being promoted by Pakistan in Balochistan and pre-empt the probable military actions of Pakistan in the region which would put the world peace in jeopardy”.

World community must make sure it that Baloch secular forces are on board in the fight of terrorism, and Pakistani state sponsored terrorism in Balochistan is met with strong reaction.